Cracks on the nipples - all about the causes and quick fixes of the problem

Emerging cracks on the nipples often cause anxiety in women. The establishment of the factor of their provoking, at times a complex and lengthy process. Consider the phenomenon in detail, let's name the reasons and find out how to get rid of cracks on the nipples.

Cracks in the nipples - reasons

Assessing the factors leading to this phenomenon, mammologists identify the following reasons:

  1. Violation of the rules of intimate hygiene. The use of a rigid sponge, hygienic means drying the skin, can lead to a change in the condition of the skin on the chest, including in the area of ​​areola and nipples.
  2. Incorrect breastfeeding technique . Cracks in the nipples when breastfeeding - the lot of primiparous, inexperienced mothers. Because of improper capture of the chest, the baby can strongly squeeze the nipple, provoking painful sensations.
  3. Breach of breast pump operation during breastfeeding.
  4. Synthetic, incorrectly selected underwear. Inconsistency of a cup of a bra to the size of a gland often becomes the reason of a trauma of a breast in the field of nipples.
  5. Allergic reaction to a hygiene remedy.
  6. Overheating or hypothermia of the mammary gland.
  7. Long-term hormonal therapy ( oral contraceptives ).

Cracks in the nipples during breastfeeding

Cracks in the nipples when breastfeeding the baby are not uncommon. The main reason for their appearance in this period is a bad breast grab by an infant. With the correct location of the baby, observing the rule of applying to the chest, the nipple should rest against the palate of the crumbs, and at the same time stay in a stationary position. It turns out that the baby gums squeezes the areolar region, stimulating the easy drainage of milk from the gland.

In violation of the grip, the nipple is located directly on the surface of the baby's tongue. When the sucking movement occurs, it slips, the areola area is severely injured. As a result of this irritation, cracks in the nipples are formed. When feeding, it is also important to take the baby from the breast properly. In the process of feeding, the mother does not support the head, she has the tummy tucked up, and not to herself. At the end of the meal, the baby turns away from his chest, while the nipple is clamped with jaws. As a result, it is traumatized.

Long-term use of special sanitary napkins for the mammary glands can adversely affect the state of the nipples. Produced milk is not absorbed immediately due to, this nipple is always wet. This creates conditions for easy traumatization, which can happen even with a change of bra. Doctors recommend using only those products, which are based on natural, "breathing" tissues.

Cracks in the nipples during pregnancy

Cracks in the nipples during pregnancy are normal. The cause of their appearance may be due to excessive traumatization of the nipple of the breast, which occurs as it grows in volume. Part of the reason for this is the altered hormonal background, which is the norm when carrying a baby. Many women record their appearance in the process of intensified preparation of the breasts for breastfeeding (breast massage, correction of elongated nipples). At late gestation, cracks are the result of the appearance of colostrum , because of which the nipple is always wet and the likelihood of injury increases.

What are the cracks in the nipples?

Cracks in the nipples with HS are small wounds, which can be of a single character, and may appear as a group. By the type of lesion, deep cracks and surface cracks are identified. The appearance of a small amount of blood is characteristic of the second type of disorder. After a while on the surface of the nipple crusts are formed. Mom experiences uncomfortable sensations in the chest, increasing pain during feeding. Thus there is a corresponding symptomatology:

When cracks in the nipples are fixed, treatment is not performed - an infection is attached, mastitis develops - inflammation of the mammary glands. With this violation, the entire breast becomes swollen, painful, the body temperature rises, and overall health worsens. From the crack on the swollen nipples may appear pus. At such symptomatology it is necessary to address to the doctor who will appoint or nominate necessary preparations, will prompt as to struggle with disease.

Cracks in the nipples - what to do?

When there are cracks on the nipples, how to breastfeed a baby is the main issue for nursing mothers. Doctors when answering it are advised to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Take a break. If only one gland is affected, do not give it to the baby. A break of 12 hours will reduce manifestations, reduce soreness.
  2. Conduct the pumping by hand with strong fullness.
  3. When cracks on the nipples are fixed on both glands, the feeding is not interrupted. The baby starts eating with less pain.
  4. Do not reduce the frequency of feeding. With a long break, the child will be very hungry - there will be an increase in the intensity of sucking, which will further injure the nipple.
  5. Do not wear shirring clothes. If possible, at all refuse for a while from the brassiere.
  6. After each feeding, lubricate the nipple with a drop of milk. Do not wash your breasts again, this leads to even more dry skin.

How quickly to cure cracks on the nipples?

To determine how to treat cracks in the nipples in a particular case, you need to consult a doctor. The therapeutic process depends entirely on the severity of the disorder, the state of the breast. The basis of therapy is:

Cream from cracks on the nipples

In such situations, a cream against nip cracking is an excellent tool. Such drugs in their composition contain healing and anesthetic components, accelerating regeneration processes. An example can be a cream with lanolin. Use it after each feeding, applying a small portion on the injured nipple surface. Preliminary conduct hygienic procedures.

Bepanten with cracks in the nipples

Use Bepanten , a cream from cracks on the nipples, is recommended not only by gynecologists, but also by experts in breastfeeding. This drug has a local effect, its components do not penetrate into the blood. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, removes puffiness, sensations of soreness. Because of this, it is often recognized as the best remedy for cracks on the nipples. Use the cream after each application of the baby to the chest, before washing it under running water. After 3-5 days, the wound is fully healed.

Ointment from cracks in the nipples

Such a remedy for cracks on the nipples, like Widestim ointment, has a quick effect. Due to the high content in the preparation of vitamin A, there is a rapid recovery of the integrity of epithelial cells. At the same time, the processes of keratinization slow down, which causes dryness and flaking of the skin. With deep, numerous cracks on the nipples, doctors recommend using:

Dexpanthenol from cracks on the nipples

Telling a woman how to cure cracks on the nipples, doctors often recommend drugs containing dexpanthenol. This substance has a pronounced wound-healing effect. By chemical structure refers to the derivatives of pantothenic acid - vitamins from group B. The drug is applied to the breast after feeding and washed off before the next. An example of such drugs can be:

Levomekol from cracks on the nipples

Asking the doctor about how to smear the nipples from cracks during their infection, women often hear about Levomekol . In its composition, it contains an antibacterial component and a stimulator of metabolic processes, methyluracil. As a result, there is a rapid restoration of the integrity of the skin, local immunity increases. Apply to cracks on the nipples, a thin layer, 1-2 times a day for 5-10 days.

Folk remedies for nipple cracks

Such funds can be used as additional ways to combat the violation. Among the effective is the collection of medicinal herbs:

  1. Yarrow, plantain, horsetail and marshweed. Take in equal parts. Pour 1 liter of boiling water 2 tablespoons of collection, wait 20 minutes. Strain and apply for processing areolas.
  2. Yarrow, chamomile, calendula are taken in the ratio 4: 1: 1. Grind the herbs and mix. 2 table spoons are poured in 0,5 l, insist an hour and use for appliqués on the nipple.

Such a tool as sea buckthorn oil, from cracks on the nipples, too, use. Carry out treatment of affected areas with a cotton disc dipped in oil after each feeding. Pre-iron washed under running water. The same is done before the next feeding. Apply the remedy to reduce symptoms, on the order of 5-7 days. Can be used as a preventive measure.