Molliesia - maintenance and care

This fish is one of the most popular. On external grounds it is very easy to remember and recognize among others: it is a velvety black fish, about 4-6 cm in size. Females reach 8 cm. This species has an elongated body and small fins. They have a fairly developed caudal fin, which has a broad base and a rounded shape.

Mollenese fish - maintenance and care

These fish are quite active and friendly. In the aquarium prefer to dwell in the upper and middle layers of water. They are not afraid of loneliness and can live with the group, or separately. Mollies is quite a capricious fish, which needs special conditions of care and maintenance, so it is worth taking into account the main points and peculiarities of its behavior. Males of this species can exhibit aggression towards each other, therefore, the existence of these fish will be more comfortable if there are mainly females.

Finding the neighbors of Mollies is not a difficult task. They easily get along with the same moving fish, about their size. It can be swordblades, girinoheylus, red neon, pearl gurus and other species. Do not put them together with tiger barbs. The content of Molliesia provides for a sufficient amount of water in the aquarium, which must be large. Obligatory presence of set of plants, stones and other places for shelter. Gravel is perfect as a primer.

Molliesia - viviparous fish , which need special care. The water temperature should not be below 25 ° C. The optimum is 25-30 ° C. Fish can react painfully to temperature changes. Filter and aeration are necessary attributes. It is necessary to constantly keep clean in the aquarium and be sure to change the water at least once a week. Molliesia does not tolerate soft water. Recommended parameters are: dH - 10-15 °, pH - 7,2-8,5. It is also recommended to reduce the stiffness below 6, because then the fish begin to ache. Lighting for this species should be at least 13 hours.

Mollies are omnivorous, but they need frequent changes of diet. It can be dry, lively, frozen, vegetable food. Molly Mollies are born large enough, but weak, so they need special care and the obligatory presence of plant foods. They are very sensitive to water pollution and changes in basic parameters. To support the immunity of fry, you can add a few spoons of salt to the water.