Rabbit breeds of sheep - varieties and features of the contents

Among the decorative pets are common and domestic rodents. Rabbits of the ram breed stand out in their sizes, have an attractive muzzle with a specific hump on the nose. Individuals are endowed with a kind of gene that does not allow the ears to be in a standing state - they hang and give the decorative animal a pretty face.

Rabbit - a description of the breed

The animals acquired their name due to the contours of the face. It looks like a large ram's head with a broad forehead, a short blunt nose and hanging ears. Breed parameters:

Rabbit decorative lop-eared breed sheep has a pretty and charming appearance. The special structure of the auricles makes the animal immune to surrounding sounds, because it is not afraid of rustling and has a peaceful, serene temper. For convenience, the ears are sometimes fixed on the head with special clips. In terms of its dimensions, the pet refers to meat subspecies, such animals are ripe, popular among farmers, but are planted as pets. They can easily be trained, they like to be nicked by their nickname.

Decorative rabbit of ram - variety

Rodents owe their abundance to soft fur and juicy meat, their breeding is common on all continents. Decorative rabbit breed lop-eared ram - the most burly between the tribesmen. There are many of its varieties, individuals are common in Germany, France, England. In each country, breeders worked on improving rabbits of sheep breed. Species are hardy and can live in different climates. They were brought to Russia a couple of decades ago, since then they are popular with breeders. They live as ordinary cats - 10-12 years.

Dwarf Rabbit Ram

This species has appeared recently, it is the most miniature. Lop-eared rabbit, dwarf rabbit sheep - a decorative pet, such rodents have become a favorite animals for the house. It is small in size and does not differ in massiveness - the average weight of an adult animal is only 1.3-1.8 kg. The species is distinguished by long hanging ears, short, thick paws, a wide miniature body. They have short fur.

The color scheme is the most diverse. Uniform colors of wool rabbit rabbits - white, gray, brown, black, often they are diluted by tan marks of another color. Miniature rabbits are calm and very tame. But if they are offended, the pet can also bite. In the house they need to be kept in a cage, if the pet is allowed to walk, then you need to watch that he does not bite the wires, furniture or other things. They go to the toilet in one place, it's convenient - you can put a tray in there.

Blue rabbit rabbit

Rodents are famous for their coloring - they are dressed in fur with a silvery gray tint. Rabbits of the blue ram breed are of stout size, have a strong trunk, a wide sternum, muscular limbs, the length of the ears is 13-17 cm. Rodents are hardy, they are bred even in the northern regions. Appreciate the beautiful color of the skin. This is an excellent quality nap, more fluffy and softer than other species. The original color, especially the dark tone, is popular with tailoring of fur products. The most famous representatives of the breed are the Viennese. They are medium size, popular as pets.

Rabbit French ram

The breed was bred in England in the mid-nineteenth century as a hybrid of a lop-eared rodent and a German giant. After crossing, specimens weighing up to 8 kg were obtained. and the length of the ears is up to 50 cm. The species is characterized by fast growth rates of live weight. Rabbits of the French ram breed are very popular, are considered giant, have a wide forehead and a large head, pronounced cheeks and a massive torso.

They are characterized by a luxurious thick fur of white, blue, gray, black. Particularly popular were motley rodents. French rabbits breed ram because of large parameters are not recommended for breeding in cages. They are better kept in the cage or in the apartment. Thanks to the friendly nature of rodents become family pets.

Rabbit German sheep

The breed has been known since 1933, the animals are descendants from France. Rabbits of the German sheep breed are distinguished by a voluminous squat trunk. Rodents have a wide forehead and powerful jaws, so their head looks huge, and the muzzle is short. The length of the ears reaches 40-50 cm. These are large specimens, the weight of which reaches 9 kg. A distinctive feature of the breed is a characteristic crown in the middle of the head. Wool have a different color, except silvery. The color of the rodent's fur always coincides with the parent. By nature, the Germans are calm.

Rabbit Dutch sheep

This species, together with the dwarfish, has the smallest dimensions. They brought them out in the Netherlands, hence the name of the species. The Dutch decorative rabbit ram has a weight of only 1.2-1.7 kg., Shortened thick paws, hanging ears, compact and massive body. Colors: blue, black, gray, brown. The red rabbit ram is of different shades - golden, with an erythema, sandy looks unusual and meets very often.

The wool of babies is smooth, not requiring care. They got their wide spread due to playfulness and friendliness. The Dutch quickly become tame, attach themselves to their master, and talk with pleasure to children aged 8-9. Younger babies can harm pets because they do not control their treatment of fragile creatures. They breed the Dutch as decorative fluffy pets.

Rabbits of the English ram

This is an ancient species of such rodents. The English decorative rabbit ram differs from the others with very long (60-70 cm.) And wide (up to 17 cm.) Ears, which even hinder its movement. The hind legs of rodents greatly exceed the length of the forelegs, which makes the body visually lower. Their wool is not long, but thick and dense. Weight - 4-5 kg. For this breed you need a caring owner. The Englishman quickly springs up to the master and, with a bad attitude towards himself, becomes fearful and cowardly. Places for its maintenance need a lot - so that the pet does not step on its long ears.

Belgian sheep - rabbit

The second name is the flander by the name of the area of ​​its origin. Rabbit Baran Belgian - description:

Such a rabbit is a giant called a giant. He is the most massive species among his fellow tribesmen. Belgian rabbits of sheep breed are considered to be meat and are popular with farmers all over the world. But they have a gentle character and lack of aggression, are often kept as a decorative breed for the house, get along well with people.

Rabbit - content

A decorative earthen is a common rodent, living with a human as a domesticated pet or growing in cages to obtain skins and meat. The content of rabbits breeds ram does not bring much trouble. For them, you need to buy cages, drinkers, feeders, a toilet. The house must be spacious, so that the animal can lie in it calmly. It is better not to put it in a draft, in the sun, in a damp place. In winter, pets should not have minus temperatures. Rodents are kept in cages for several pieces up to 3 months. Then the males are planted and kept one at a time.

Food for rabbits breeds ram is very inexpensive. Approximate ration of the ears:

  1. Hay and branches (apple, willow, birch). The basic food should be unrestricted in the cage always.
  2. Vegetables: carrots, sweet peppers, cabbage, greens (parsley, dandelion, plantain). Give in a little 3-4 times a week.
  3. Feed ready or oatmeal - twice a day, 1 tbsp. spoon or 40-80 grams per kilogram of weight.
  4. Grain crops - oats, wheat.
  5. Fruits: apples, pears, a piece of banana once a week (prevention of constipation).

Feed the animals two times a day. Clean water is updated daily. You can put mineral stones in the cage. Rabbits of the sheep breed (if they live in the house) need an everyday two-hour walk through the dwelling. But they must do this under supervision, so they do not bite the wires or furniture. During the promenade you need to play with them, pick up. Pets are happy to communicate with a person, publish interesting sounds, give in to training. By cleverness and cunning, they are not inferior to cats.

Rabbits breed sheep - care

Care for such pets does not differ from the standards of keeping other eared tribesmen. Vysluhy sheep - a decorative rabbit, care for it is to comply with hygiene, external examination, if it is fluffy - you need to comb it out more often. Pets are extremely clean, follow their own hair, they do not need to be washed, only in extreme situations (for example, with diarrhea).

Rodents easily get used to the tray. In terms of cleaning, you need to clean their toilet daily and twice a week to update the litter in the house. If you comply with these rules, there will be no unpleasant smell in the apartment from the pet. Lambs need to inspect and clean their ears. Another important care procedure is the clipping of claws. This is done a couple of times a year with special forceps. At 45 days, at 4.5 months and then once every six months, pets should be vaccinated against myxomatosis .

Rabbits rams - breeding

Animals can reproduce after 5-6 months from birth. Rabbits breed ram prolific, breeding begins with the crossing of healthy sexually mature specimens of the same breed. To properly reproduce the animals are divided - adults and small, also on the basis of gender. After the mating, the young are bred for 30-32 days in the womb of the female. In one litter, 5-9 babies are born. Young mothers are diligent and feed themselves baby rabbits. After reaching 3 years of age, the female is not recommended to be allowed to mate - each subsequent birth can result in her death.