Diseases of wavy parrots

Wavy parrots living in cages at home are usually characterized by high resistance of the organism. But, despite this, the owners of small feathered pets should carefully monitor the health of their pets and know about the existing diseases of parrots.

The main symptoms of parrots are:

Diarrhoea in undulating parrot

Now let's take a closer look at what to do if the wavy parrot has diarrhea. To cause diarrhea can poor-quality food, stale water, excess greens in food. The bird begins watery liquid discharge with mucus, it refuses to eat. To treat diarrhea in a parrot, it is necessary to exclude greens, vegetables and fruits from food, give the bird 0.5-1 grams of activated charcoal, and add a solution of chamomile to the drinker. The same solution must be wiped feathers around the cloaca. In addition, to fix it, you can give the parrot brine a rice decoction.

Psittacosis in undulating parrots

One of the most common diseases of undulating parrots is psittacosis. The causative agents of psittacosis are chlamydobacteria. The disease often takes place in very severe form and can result in the death of the bird. Parrots have a loss of appetite, a strong decline in strength, swelling of the connective shell of the eyes, sometimes a bad cold. Birds who have undergone this stage of the disease become chronically ill with periodic exacerbations of the disease.

Inflammation of goiter in undulating parrots

Inflammation of goiter in wavy parrots are more likely to be affected by male loners. In most cases, the disease begins because the bird nails its own eructation. The goiter of the diseased bird increases, its contents are foamy with an extremely unpleasant odor. To treat a corrugated parrot inflammation of goiter, first of all, it is necessary to organize proper nutrition.

Gout at wavy parrots

Because the owners overfeed the wavy parrots with home-made food, the birds develop gout. The first symptoms of the disease are the formation of parrots around the tendons and joints of white knots. Home pet quickly gets tired, depressed, drinks a lot. These symptoms indicate serious problems with the internal organs, in which salts of uric acid accumulate.

At the moment of exacerbation of gout, undulating parrots begin abundant discharge, which turn into severe diarrhea. At this stage, without qualified assistance, the bird may die. In the treatment of the disease often go into a chronic form. In the period of treatment you need to remove the nodules on the feet of parrots. To do this, it is necessary to disinfect the needle, pierce the nodule and squeeze out all the liquid from it. Together with this bird it is necessary to give medicines that dissolve salts of uric acid, and from the diet to exclude proteins of animal origin.

Permanent moulting

Permanent moult is a serious disease of plumage of a bird. Appears in birds that live in a place that is too warm. This disease is not treated yet, therefore, for prevention, we advise you to monitor the temperature and humidity of the air in the room where parrots live.

Fractures in undulating parrots

Fractures in wavy parrots happen quite often. The damaged limb (if the fracture is closed) must be fixed in the correct position and tied to the body with a bandage or thread for 8-10 days. It is not necessary to tighten too much. At the time of treatment, the parakeet must be deposited in a separate cage and ensured peace. After removing the bandage pet for about a week is best left alone.

With open fractures, you should always consult a doctor.

Growth of claws and beak

Also, wavy parrots can often be seen growing claws and beaks. To cause an excessive growth of the beak can either be a transferred infectious disease, or insufficient stitching. To shorten the beak, you need to use forceps and do this very carefully, so as not to provoke heavy bleeding.

The growth of claws can be a consequence of the discrepancy between the perch and the body mass of the bird. With a shortening, the claw cut-off location can be determined from the boundary of the passage of blood vessels.