Flower of diplapia - features of care for a room liana

Mandevilla is a popular home and garden plant. The flower of diplapation is curly, pleasing with delicate colors of different shades. Because of its tropical origin, it requires some care and attention, but all difficulties are overcome - the main thing is to understand the principles of keeping such a plant.

What does diplanding look like?

The plant is endowed with leathery emerald oval leaves with tapering ends. They are attached to curly long stems growing up the wall. The length of the diposition (mandewill) reaches 4 m. At home, the plant can be grown as a room liana or a compact shrub. Fountain leaves are decorated with funnel-shaped bright flowers with five petals (about 12 cm in diameter). They are found in crimson, red, pink, white hues. The plant generously and brightly blooms from spring to late autumn, produces about 80 buds, which are kept on the branches for 10 days.

Dipple floss is good

When caring for mandeville it is important to remember that its juice has the form of white milk, a harsh odor and a poisonous (in all parts of the plant). Work with the vine is necessary, using protective equipment - gloves. With caution this culture is used in a house where there are small children and animals. But the lianas of diplaposition, it influences well the microclimate of the apartment - heals it.

The plant absorbs carbon dioxide accumulated in the air and releases oxygen, absorbs harmful and toxic substances, microbes and dust. The invigorating aroma emanating from the room flowers dipladeniya, improves the well-being of a person, increases the activity of the body, its protective forces. It improves the activity of the brain and has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

Diplanning - Species

Mandeville has many varieties and varieties. Due to the rapid development of shoots and colorful flowering, the flower of dipland is used to decorate rooms and walls. In domestic floriculture, it is grown as an ampel (curling) culture, with the correct pruning of mandevilla can form a small colorful bush. Different grades of diplapation, the description of growing conditions which differ, are beautiful in their own way. They can decorate a veranda, a garden, a balcony, premises.

Dipladings ampel

Ampel Mandevilla is a plant-liana. The stems of young specimens are pubescent, reaching three meters. Leaves large, up to 20 cm long, oval with sharp tips. The lianas of fusion has bright pink flowers with a five-petalled calyx, up to 10 cm in diameter, collected in 5-6 pieces in a brush. An ample plant is important for fresh air - it can be planted in hanging baskets, containers or on high supports. Have summer bushes on terraces, balconies, in arbors. The vegetative period lasts 6 months - from May to November.

Dedications of Sander

Mandeville Sander is an elegant, brightly flowering, evergreen vine. On flexible, thin branches thick glossy dense oval leaf plates are not densely located, with sharp points at the ends of 5-8 cm in length. In their axils, on the petioles grow racemose inflorescences (3-5) of pink, white, cream with yellow flowers, about 9 cm in diameter. In form they look like bells, have a pleasant smell. Such dipladeniya - houseplants, their length reaches three meters. Lianas can grow on walls, partitions, hanging or entangling props.

Dipple flowers - features of growing

Mandevilla is a native of tropical forests. Diplazheniya capricious, care at home for her has its own characteristics.

  1. The plant needs an abundance of light, but without ultraviolet direct rays. With its shortage, buds do not open. It is important to know that when dipladication begins to blossom, then she has to take care of her liking. Buds, it begins to lay in the middle of April and ends in the autumn. The life span of a single flower is 15-17 days.
  2. Fresh air and airing are good for him.
  3. The flower of diplandia loves warmth during flowering. Acceptable temperature regime of 20-26 ° C in summer, in winter - not less than 12 ° C.
  4. Water should be generous, waiting for the drying of the upper tier. Water - warm, boiled, without sediment. In winter - moisturize three days after the earth has dried.
  5. During the flowering period, daily spraying is useful.
  6. During the rapid growth requires fertilizing for flowering 4 times a month with mineral complex fertilizer.
  7. The transplantation is necessary in the spring (in March-April) if the roots of the diposition are visible from the drainage hole. Place the flower in a wider pot (but not wider than 30 cm).
  8. Like a winding liana, Mandevilla needs a strong support.
  9. The plant needs regular pruning.

What kind of land is needed for diplapation?

Mandeville, like a tropical flower, prefers a well-moistened acidic air-permeable primer. For growing dipladeniya and transplanting at home, this bush is recommended loose soil from peat, leaf land, perlite and coarse sand in equal amounts. Then the tropic will develop and blossom well.

Normally, diplanning also lives in storehouses for decorative flowering varieties, but with the addition of shallow river pebbles or brick crumbs. They retain moisture well. A pot for a flower is better to take a higher than a wide one - because of a powerful root system. It is filled with a drain for a quarter. After all, even a slight stagnation of moisture can provoke decay of the roots.

Pruning Dippleting

Under optimal conditions, the flower grows successfully, it needs reliable supports . Pruning plants is a necessary technique, since buds are formed only on young annual shoots. Shortening is performed for adult plants, young can only pinch the tops. The procedure rejuvenates the plant and allows new shoots to form more actively, the flower will become beautiful and lush, it will acquire a crown of bush form.

  1. There are 3-5 main stems, the strongest and youngest.
  2. The central trunk is cut by 2/3.
  3. The unbranched, too long and weak stems of the diclabenia plant are removed, pruning is performed in spring or autumn.
  4. The branched lianas after the fork are cut to 2/3.
  5. If the length of the shoots suits, the supports, grids are installed.

Diplanning - reproduction

Mandeville is bred using stem shoots in the spring or in the middle of summer. From the stalk of dipland for propagation by cuttings, a lateral shoot with air roots appearing on the branches is cut off. It should be deepened into a moist substrate of perlite and peat, covered with a film and sprayed more often. The temperature for reproduction is 25 ° C. The shoots are rooted for a month, after which they can be planted one by one into separate containers from 12 to 14 cm in diameter. At spring rooting in the same season the plant begins to bloom.

Diplanning - home care in winter

Because of the decrease in daylight in our latitudes in autumn the plant falls into stagnation (a period of rest). In late August, he can cut watering. If previously humidification was carried out during the drying of the upper tier of the soil, then in winter it should dry completely. After that, only after three days you can water. Lighting should remain bright - during the dark months, the flower of diplanding needs to be backlit with additional lamps.

Wintering takes place in a cool (15-18 ° C). The minimum temperature is 12 ° C. Such a regime promotes the formation of good buds on branches in the spring. Therefore, the diplanding in the garden can not winter in the open land - it must be moved to the room. The supercooling of the earth coma is considered dangerous, so the pot can be placed in a wooden box or spread over with foam. Lighting should remain bright. In November, all shoots of the plant are trimmed by a third to limit the growth of the flower in winter and prepare it for rest.

How to feed winter in winter?

Fertilize the flower is recommended at the beginning of the growing season, after the buds are formed and during flowering - from April to September. Mineral top dressings are applied for flowering crops every week. After the abundant green biomass developed, the bush can be poured with a phosphoric-potassium solution. Flower dipladeniya care in the form of fertilizing is needed before the onset of the period of stagnation. In winter, he does not need improved nutrition.

Disease and their elimination

The enemies of the Mandevilla flower are often spider mites , scutes and mealybugs . They cause brownish or whitish mottling and yellowing, and then falling leaves. Insecticides "Actellik", "Aktara", "Agravetin" are relevant for pest control. The best prevention from parasites is periodic inspection of the plant and support of normal humidity in the room. Diplanning is a major illness due to improper care: