Ovarian tumor in women - treatment

An ovarian tumor is almost the most common gynecological disease associated with oncology. In the risk group, virtually all women are independent of age and lifestyle. If the tumor is not recognized in time and the treatment is not started, it is likely that a complete loss of genital functions or a fatal outcome is possible.

Causes and types of ovarian tumors

Tumors of the ovary are classified as good and malignant. Also, this type of tumor, such as the borderline one, is distinguished. The latter species is characterized by a rapid degeneration of the tumor from benign to malignant.

Ovarian cancer is a poorly understood disease. Assumptions about the causes of neoplasm in the ovaries are numerous. Based on medical experience, the main factors that affect their appearance are:

Also, doctors found that young women are less likely to develop an ovarian tumor.

Diagnosis and treatment of ovarian tumor

Unfortunately, most of the disease is asymptomatic, so that it can be diagnosed only clinically, under the strict supervision of specialists. The main methods for determining the presence of tumors are:

Treatment of an ovarian tumor in women is directly related to the stage of the tumor and its appearance. If a benign tumor develops, medication can be given. But the most effective way to fight ovarian cancer, along with chemotherapy, remains surgical removal of the tumor. When determining a malignant neoplasm, an operation to remove the ovarian tumor must be performed immediately!