Lone articulation

Quite often, pregnant women and women in the postpartum period complain of pain and unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the lone articulation. Sensations can be amplified when walking or even just changing positions. Changes, injuries and inflammation of the pectoral joint, accompanied by pain, are a warning signal and an occasion to consult a doctor.

A little anatomy

Hip bones are connected with each other by an articulation with the aid of a fibrous-cartilaginous disk. On all sides this connection is surrounded by bundles, which give it strength. But in its essence, the lone articulation is a semi-joint with limited movement possibilities.

Before pregnancy, the distance between the bones of the pubic joint is 4-5 mm, and in pregnancy it can reach 1 cm. A wider distance indicates dysfunction (diastase).

The discrepancy of the pubic articulation

In order for the fetus to pass freely through the hip joint, the placenta and the yellow body produce relaxin, which, together with female sex hormones, has a relaxing effect on the pelvic bones. The discrepancy of the genital joint during pregnancy is a normal phenomenon, unless it crosses physical boundaries.

The norm is considered to be a discrepancy of up to 1 cm. The discrepancy of the lone articulation during pregnancy is diagnosed by ultrasound, according to which the doctor determines the optimal variant of delivery. It is worth noting that the discrepancy itself is not an indication for caesarean section . The decision is made taking into account other factors, for example, the narrow pelvis of the mother or the large head of the fetus.

Treatment of the joint after the delivery depends on the degree of divergence. With a slight deviation from the norm, a woman is assigned a special bandage, which is used for half a year after childbirth. If the discrepancy was significant (10-20 mm), the parturient should comply with bed rest for a minimum of 2-3 weeks, use a bandage with wide bandages, avoid physical exertion, and subsequently also wear a bandage.

Rupture of the pubic articulation during childbirth

The rupture of the pubic joint is much less common than the discrepancy, but in turn is more dangerous. Gaps can be spontaneous and violent. In the first case, the trauma occurs during spontaneous childbirth, in the second - due to obstetric operation for the extraction of the fetus or placenta. As a rule, the rupture of the pubic joint occurs after divergence, so an experienced obstetrician can diagnose and prevent trauma.

The consequences of rupture of the pubic joint in the absence of proper treatment can be disappointing. The fact is that the pelvic bones will not be able to properly join themselves, therefore, the function of the locomotor apparatus will suffer first.

Rehabilitation of rupture of the pubic joint takes from two weeks to several months. As a rule, a woman is prescribed a bed rest in a hammock or in combination with a special tightening structure and dressing Pelvis with wide bandages.

Inflammation of the pubic articulation

Inflammatory processes in the loneliness are called symphysitis. The process takes place without pronounced divergence of the bones, but accompanied by pain, swelling and redness.

One of the causes of symphysitis may be calcium-magnesium deficiency, so a woman, as a rule, is prescribed the appropriate diet and intake of vitamin complexes. It is worth noting that in the absence of treatment, inflammation can go to chronic arthrosis of the joint.