How to get rid of rats?

If there are rodents in your home, getting rid of mice and rats becomes a priority. In the fight against rats successfully apply both folk methods and modern approaches.

How to get rid of rats at home?

The first of your help in this matter can be a cat who knows exactly how to quickly get rid of rats - just to catch them. However, do not set up a cat of noble breed for these purposes, it is better to take a yardyard Barsik, instincts for catching mice in which are honed by generations.

Some special breeds of dogs, for example, dachshund or fox terrier, are introduced to combat rats. Natural inclinations and proper upbringing should stimulate these animals to fight rodents. However, there is no exact information on whether they will help get rid of rats in the apartment.

The second and most common method is powder poison. You arrange it in the places of possible appearance of animals along with the bait and wait for the result. Carefully read the instructions for use, so as not to harm other pets and yourself.

Traps and mousetraps - a simple method that will get rid of rats in the country and in the apartment. However, some representatives of rodents have become so clever that they are able to avoid such traps or to unseen the bait.

Ultrasonic repelling is one of the modern ways to combat rats. Inaudible to human sound, however, negatively affects the rats, forcing them to move away from this place.

How to get rid of water rats?

Water rats are real pests in orchards and household plots. Breaking holes, they eat crops and flower bulbs, thus depriving farmers and vegetables and flower beds.

To combat the water rat all the above methods are used, including active decomposition of poisoned baits. Of the folk remedies, it is proposed to fill the mink of the rats with a mixture of soot and tar, diluted to the consistency of sour cream.