How to get rid of acne on the back?

In the warm season, acne on the back deliver aesthetic and psychological discomfort to women. Many even experience a lot of complexes because of such rashes, refuse to rest at sea, not wanting to appear in public in a swimsuit. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of acne on the back requires careful and detailed study, and the therapy of this problem is an integrated approach.

How can I quickly and permanently get rid of acne on my back?

Of course, not always available there is enough time for full treatment, sometimes emergency measures are required. Quite quickly it helps to reduce the amount of acne, as well as the intensity of inflammation of the Zineritis. This drug contains a potent antibiotic, which destroys pathogens. In addition, Zinerite actively dries large rashes, stops their spread.

A similar effect, but a lower cost, is played by various chatters, which can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared independently.

Recipe # 1



Mix thoroughly and shake the ingredients. Apply on the whole back in the evening.

Recipe # 2



Mix the ingredients. Use the same as the previous chat.

Recipe # 3



Shake the components, wipe the affected areas of the skin before going to bed.

Naturally, for the night to get rid of acne on the back, the proposed methods will not help, but the visible results will still appear quickly, after 3-4 days.

How to get rid of small light pimples on the back?

Practically imperceptible pryshchiki not inflammatory character, having a kind of tubercles, roughnesses on a skin, represent komedony. In other words, these are dense sebaceous plugs in the pores.

Therapy of such rashes is prolonged, as comedones do not resolve and do not go out on their own. For qualitative treatment it is important to find out the cause of such pimples, which, as a rule, consists either of hormonal imbalance, or of improper body hygiene.

An integrated approach is as follows:

  1. Do not squeeze comedones on your back.
  2. Do not use scrubs, peelings or too hard washcloths.
  3. Wash with a mild soap that does not dry out the skin.
  4. Each time after the shower, apply products containing acids, chemical (salicylic) or fruit (apple, lemon). Good will Skinoren, Acnestop.
  5. Do exfoliating masks from clay, shallow sea salt.

How to get rid of large red and purulent pimples on the back?

The most difficult for the therapy type of rashes - inflamed pimples. It is better if the pus is on the surface, this means that the skin is self-cleaning. Red large tubercles, tenderness of palpation indicate inflammatory subcutaneous process, reproduction of bacteria.

There is no uniform technique for treating the type of acne on the back. Effective therapy can only be developed after examination of the body and identify the cause of this defect.

The treatment regimen typically includes:

  1. Compliance with the No. 5 diet for Pevzner.
  2. Treatment of acne with drying lotions, boltlets with antibiotics.
  3. Application to the inflamed areas of special preparations - Baziron, Zinerit, Differin, Duak.
  4. Periodic use of anti-acne masks and pharmacy emulsions with purified sulfur.
  5. Ingestion of antibiotics (only for the doctor's prescription), medicines with retinol, biologically active additives.