Didactic games on gender education

Each parent seeks to raise his child, based on his own ideas about what an adult should be. We want to grow out of a little boy a strong, responsible, intelligent and courageous man, capable of becoming a breadwinner and defender of his own family. The woman, according to the generally recognized opinion, should be a gentle and fragile, kind and affectionate, loving wife and mother, the keeper of the home.

In accordance with their preferences, we raise our sons and daughters. In the construction of the correct line of gender (sex-role) education of preschool children parents and educators are helped by didactic games, according to which children learn behavior patterns.

The game as a means of educating preschoolers

The game, according to teachers, is the best method of learning anything. After all, children 3-5 years old can not be seated at desks, demanding attention. Playing, the child does not think about the fact that this is learning and something they want from him. He just makes interesting to him actions and easily, easily remembers a lot of necessary information.

Gender games for preschoolers are one way of explaining how girls and boys should behave, what rules their behavior in the society obeys. The outdated stereotype of "boys and girls, puppets" has long outlived itself, modern methods of early development speak quite differently. In addition, the boundaries between masculine and feminine professions are gradually blurred, many women are fond of feminist ideas. Because of this, it is becoming more difficult for the younger generation to adapt to their role, and many parents and especially grandmothers are opposed to new practices, when the games of boys in dolls and "daughters-mothers" are not simply resolved, but are encouraged, and girls dream of becoming not a housewife, but, say, a prime minister.

Examples of gender games in kindergarten

Educators of the kindergarten have a special role in this matter. Spending a lot of time with children, they have the opportunity to adjust their behavior, including sex, in the right direction. For example, boys should be taught that it is impossible to offend girls, because they are weaker; On the contrary, it is necessary to give the girls a place, skip ahead, take care and help. This can be achieved with the help of the following games, which are recommended in middle and senior groups, because it is at this young age that children learn the science of collective communication.

  1. "Home cares . " Invite the children to cook dinner using the toy kitchen. Help them distribute roles: the girls command, the boys help. After the game, talk with the kids, tell them that dads should always help moms around the house. Find out who and how to help your mom at home.
  2. House of Friendship . Sit all the children in a circle through one (boy-girl) and give them a designer. Start up one detail of the designer in a circle, and let each kid, attaching to it the next one and passing on, will say a compliment to the representative of the opposite sex. For example: Vanya what? - Good, strong, runs fast, jumps high, does not offend girls, does not fight. Masha what? - Beautiful, kind, honest, accurate, etc. This game helps children to understand that in every person there is something good that it is possible and necessary to be friends among themselves. Build a large "house of friendship" from the designer.
  3. "Relatives . " Let the children learn about the diversity of family relationships and try to remember who has to whom: for grandparents they are grandchildren, for aunts and uncles - nephews, etc. In this game, cards with words written on them will be useful. You can make a small family tree of them.
  4. "Mother's Daughters . " This is a game in a real family - girls temporarily become mums, and boys - dads. Dads go to work, mothers raise children. Then the roles change - the pope has a day off and he sits at home with the child, and Mom goes to work. This game helps each child to understand that both roles in the family are the main and equally complex.