Food thermos

The thermos is an indispensable thing, not only for travelers, but also for office workers who like to have a bite of tasty, hot home-made food at dinner. A food thermos for food with containers will serve well for parents with children who do not want to interrupt the walk and return home just for the sake of eating - now it is always with itself and always with the necessary temperature.

Food thermos - lunch box

As a rule, it is a cylindrical stylish thermos with an impact-resistant stainless steel casing, inside which are several plastic food containers. In them you can place different dishes without risk of their mixing.

When you take a dish from a food thermos, you simply enjoy a ready-made and hot dish. If necessary, it is always possible to re-heat the food in the microwave without removing it from the container - they are made of a special material suitable for use in such a furnace.

How to choose the right food thermos bottle?

The first thing you should pay attention to, how many hours he is able to keep the temperature of food. The main role in this is played by the flask and the tightness. Modern thermos can keep food hot for 5-8 hours.

Further - from what the bulb is made. It can be glass or all-metal. Of course, the glass can easily break when the thermos falls or during washing, if you completely disassemble it by parts.

Speaking about the capacity of the thermos, you should keep in mind your needs. If you need to bring a lot of different food and do not carry a few thermoses with you, the ideal option is an all-metal food thermos with containers that are put one on top of another. In addition, there are models with a built-in small thermos for tea and a spoon - outside the home and office it will be very handy.