Carbonated drinks - harm or benefit?

Who does not like carbonated drinks? They are adored not only by adults, but also by babies. Sometimes this is one of the main attributes of the festive table. However, we did not hurry with the manifestation of love for them? Sometimes you wonder what to choose: juice or carbonated drink, from which there is not only good, but also considerable harm. Put all the points above the "i" in this issue.

Carbonated Drinks Composition

For many, the composition of the cooling drink is not something unauthorized, for others - carbonated drinks under the ban for the whole family:

  1. Sugar . Here everything is simple: it is put up to 40 grams on a jar with a capacity of about 33. At the same time, under the influence of carbon dioxide, sugar is immediately absorbed into the blood.
  2. Carbon dioxide . Fortunately, its amount does not exceed the allowable rate (up to 10 g per 1 liter of the beverage).
  3. Sweet substitutes . There are also manufacturers who, in order to reduce caloric content , use, for example, aspartame, also called E951.
  4. Preservatives . To keep the drink longer, it is injected with citric acid. It should be noted that in recent years, sodium benzoate and orthophosphoric acid have been popular.
  5. Flavors . Sometimes on the packaging you can see information that says that the beverage contains identical natural flavors. In fact, these are the usual chemical compounds.

Harm to carbonated beverages

On the Internet, you can find many videos in which the usual "Coca-Cola" or "Sprite" can get rid of rust. So, the pH of many sweet carbonated drinks is 2.5 and their harm is that this is the level of acetic acid.

Carbon dioxide can irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Aspartame, a sweetener, can provoke the appearance of allergies and cause a deterioration in vision. Citric acid leads to the emergence of hated caries . And this is not the whole list of the pitfalls of carbonated beverages, the benefits of which have little to say.