What should a child know in 2 years?

In 2 years the child constantly learns new skills and abilities. The active speech stock of crumbs is constantly growing, and he begins to express all his desires, not only with gestures, but also with words. In this article we will tell you what a child needs to know in 2 years if he fully and comprehensively develops in accordance with his age.

What should a child know 2-3 years?

Most babies at the age of 2-3 years can easily sort the items on different grounds. Kroha knows colors very well, simple geometric figures, and does not confuse them. He understands the concepts of "big" and "small", as well as "one" and "many." Begins to relate flat and three-dimensional objects, that is, it senses the difference between the circle and the ball, the square and the cube.

A child in 2 years easily finds any object that he knows well. Among a large number of diverse pictures, the crumb can show a few fruits, vegetables or animals, and name them. Also, your son or daughter almost unerringly finds a pair to the proposed image and is able to determine the subject by its schematically drawn image. Most children can easily add a small puzzle of 4-9 details, and with pleasure, is engaged in various games-inserts.

The active vocabulary of crumbs reaches 130-200 words. His speech development is constantly improving, and your child every day speaks all the new phrases. The child begins to master the simplest grammatical techniques, learns to pronounce more and more sounds, tries to express all his thoughts in the form of words and short sentences of 2-3 words. Some children insert familiar phrases into fairy tales and nursery rhymes, which mother tells them, and even try to tell the most simple verses on their own.

The two-year-old already understands perfectly when he wants to go to the toilet, and shows it to his parents in whatever way is available to him. Some babies already go to the pot on their own, without the help of mom or dad. In addition, most babies eat themselves, rather confidently holding a spoon or fork. Also, kids enjoy drinking their favorite drinks from a mug and sucking them through a tube.

Of course, the child's knowledge in 2 years directly depends on how parents deal with it. Since the kid, like a sponge, absorbs any information, he can already know some letters or numbers, although he does not need it at all.

In addition, most girls and some boys are beginning to be interested in various story-role games. Two-year-olds with pleasure imitate all possible actions of adults, play with dolls, they represent that they lay them to sleep, feed, put on a pot and so on.

Finally, the child moves very actively in 2 years, walks, runs, climbs to all sorts of obstacles, rises and descends the stairs, independently of the son or daughter, give them special attention, and very soon the little one will catch up with the other children.