Gable roof with own hands

As you know, when building a house, or rather, the carcass itself, the roof usually costs more than the walls. To save a little at work, you can do it all on your own. Below we will consider some nuances regarding how to make a gable roof.

How to make a gable roof of the house: competent work with rafters

Before we move on to installing the gable roof of the house with our own hands, we will stop at installing the rafters.

  1. As a rule, for this structure take a beam of 50x200 mm. Do not take the beam with a smaller section, because after a while everything will start to sag. In this case, the angle of the slope is chosen to be 33 degrees.
  2. Now for installation. Your task is to raise two bars and cut the so-called heel at the ends of the legs. She must rely firmly and reliably on the Mauerlat.
  3. Both bars have been fixed and fixed, now they can be connected together. Next, you need to slightly trim the rafters so that they are not overlapped. Then they can be joined together by nails.
  4. You put the tropel to each other and then draw a line of pencil. Then saw off the necessary.
  5. At this stage of the construction of a gable roof with your own hands, you should already have two templates that are prepared in advance on the ground.
  6. We exhibit a pair of rafters on each front. Then, one after another, set the rest. Preliminarily customize them according to the template on the ground.
  7. Each time after fixing a new pair of rafters, a control board with a marking similar to the layout on the Mauerlat is punched to them.
  8. This is what this padding looks like.

Gable roof with their own hands step by step

Now consider the process of assembling the roof. The principle of work with rafters remains the same. The dimensions of the beams also do not differ. Preliminary, each is desirable to fit under one length for ease of use and greater reliability.

  1. The first stage of the construction of a gable roof with its own hands is the installation of a so-called seismic belt. The distance between the beams is of the order of 80 cm.
  2. We raise the forest and build shields directly on top of it for convenient movement.
  3. Now measure the necessary distance and cut off excess on each beam.
  4. Further, we are determined from the overhanging roof. To do this, we fix the so-called measuring beam along the center of the beam.
  5. The beam was leveled and fixed. You can attach rafters to it and try on it with height.
  6. The construction at this stage of the construction of a gable roof with our own hands is fastened by means of screws or nails.
  7. Similarly, we construct the preparatory rafters on the other end of the building. Between the tops we pull the construction line to control.
  8. We will assemble the frame through two beams to simplify the installation of the intermediate frames.
  9. The entire inner frame is installed. Frames are fastened together and with bars between connecting lags.
  10. The next stage of construction of a gable roof of the house by own hands consists in cutting off superfluous parts of logs. You can use any convenient device from a manual saw to a disk.
  11. We will strengthen the frame by means of inclined boards, as well as bars on the floor beams.
  12. These are the main points how to make a gable roof . Further the frame turns out strong enough and reliable and it is possible to proceed safely to its covering.

And one more nuance on how to make a gable roof with your own hands. If the width of the house is large, about 11 m, then instead of the usual bars it is better to use several rafter pairs connected by a horizontal board.