One-story country houses

When designing a house for a summer residence, the question inevitably arises: one-story or two-story option to choose.

Advantages of a one-story country house

Small one-story country houses have several advantages over buildings in two or more floors. The first of them: such houses are much faster to build, and the heating system itself does not require special devices, its scheme is much simpler. This is especially true for those dachas that are not connected to the central heating system and owners have to independently heat their homes.

The second advantage is that the staircase to the second floor, however steep and compact it was, nevertheless occupies some living space on the first floor. In addition, the steeper the stairs , the more dangerous it will be to use it. Therefore, here there is a choice: either to sacrifice safety, but to save space, or to make the staircase more flat, but to lose such precious residential meters. In a single-story structure, the entire interior space of the room can be used as fully as possible.

Finally, the third advantage is the layout of the dacha one-storey house. Since all rooms are on the same level, then the movement between them becomes much easier, and for the required thing you do not have to climb the stairs. Expand the living space can be by erecting a one-storey villa house with a terrace .

Material for a holiday home

Most often, two variants are used for construction: frame structures and profiled bar. Frame houses are easier to erect and do not shrink after construction, they can be insulated immediately after construction. One-storey chalet houses from a bar look more presentable, but such building material has a property to settle down in the first years after construction of the house, therefore such structures can be insulated only after some time after commissioning.