Stone window sills

Stone window sills are a durable and very beautiful solution that does not look too boring, but, on the contrary, shows a unique and delicate taste of the owner of the room, finished in this way.

Window sills made of natural stone

Natural stone - unique in its durability and performance characteristics of the material. For the decoration of window sills, marble is usually used, although granite can sometimes be used. A unique pattern, a noble texture, unusual shades - all this turns these window sills into real works of art. Made of natural stone? they can serve indefinitely for a long time without any changes in appearance. But if some scratch or unpleasant chip does occur, it is easy to get rid of them by grinding the surface.

Window sills under a stone

However, natural stone is quite expensive and rare material, in addition? Some types of granite may be sources of weak radioactive radiation. Therefore, more often in the interior decoration of premises using artificial stone windowsills.

Now on the market there are proposals for making a window sill from various types of artificial materials. The principal difference between them is one. The first group (for example, acrylic stone) is made in the form of plates, from which the professional specialist cuts out the sills necessary in size and shape. This technology is quite cheap and widespread. Its disadvantage is the inability to avoid stitches in the manufacture of window sills with complex geometry.

The second option - window sills made of liquid artificial stone . This is a new manufacturing technology. A special powder containing colored crumb is diluted with hardeners and transparent gels and poured into the mold, where it takes on the necessary configuration. After drying, this option looks like a natural stone. This technology makes it possible to produce even radial monolithic sills made of artificial stone without seams and joints.