Finishing of plastic windows inside

Until recently, we all used plaster to finish the slopes on the windows. However, such slopes have a number of disadvantages. First of all, the plaster does not connect well to the plastic of the window, so shortly there will be crevices in these places. Secondly, under the influence of temperature fluctuations, cracks appear on the surface of the plastered slopes. Thirdly, the work on creating plaster slopes is quite long and time-consuming. Therefore today more modern variants of finishing of slopes of plastic windows inside are used.

Materials for interior finishing of plastic windows

Modern specialists have developed several varieties of overlaid window slopes.

  1. Honeycomb plastic - panel . This hollow panel of PVC, which is used if the depth of the slope is not more than 25 cm. If the opening is deeper, then such panels must be joined and the view at the slope deteriorates. In addition, the paneling changes its color over time.
  2. Glue slope - a thin plastic, which is glued to the surface of the slope. This option also has its drawbacks. Due to temperature fluctuations, the plastic may peel off. Such slopes strongly freeze, they form condensation.
  3. Gypsum boards - often used interior trim windows. This material has good thermal insulation, it is environmentally friendly, it can be painted white. However, the gypsum plasterboard also has a lack of windows: the plasterboard is afraid of moisture and dampness. Over time, the gypsum board forms cracks , and the escarpment can collapse.
  4. Plastic sandwich panels have excellent thermal insulation, are well washed, do not burn out in the sun, are beautiful and reliable.
  5. Sheet plastic . Decorating the window inside with plastic is quite expensive. But the quality of such slopes is excellent. They have good thermal insulation properties. They are durable and beautiful, and their color completely coincides with the plastic on the window frame.