Glomerulonephritis - symptoms and treatment of all forms of the disease

Renal tissue is a cluster of glomeruli called glomeruli. They perform the function of filters, remove from the body toxic exchange products and excess fluid. Glomerulonephritis develops when glomeruli are affected. The pathological process always affects both kidneys, rapidly progresses and causes complications.

Glomerulonephritis - Causes

There is a primary and secondary form of the described disease. The latter variant arises as a consequence of serious systemic violations. For example, kidney glomerulonephritis can make its debut on the background of the following pathologies:

The primary type of damage to the renal glomeruli is an autoimmune disease. Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis often develops, sometimes other bacteria or parasites act as causative agents. To combat pathogenic microorganisms, the immune system secretes specific antibodies. If they are not liquidated on their own, these complexes accumulate in glomeruli. Later, they provoke inflammatory processes, and the body's defense system begins to attack its own kidney tissue.

Glomerulonephritis - classification

The disease under consideration is differentiated according to the nature of its course. Experts diagnose subacute, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis. The first form of pathology is also called fast-progressing or malignant, it is considered the most dangerous variant of damage to the glomeruli. It is seldom possible to stop such glomerulonephritis - the symptoms and treatment do not depend on each other, the condition worsens even with the timely conduct of specific therapy. This type of disease ends in a lethal outcome in 80% of cases.

Acute glomerulonephritis is characterized by a rapid onset with severe symptoms. With early diagnosis and the correct drug approach, it is completely cured without consequences. If the therapy was chosen incorrectly or the pathology progressed too long, the disease passes into a chronic course. This type of disease has several variations.

Latent glomerulonephritis

Other names of the described type of damage to the renal glomeruli are latent, urinary. When developing the presented form of glomerulonephritis, a person feels well, no specific symptoms are observed. To identify the latent type of disease helps only urine analysis. It shows traces of protein compounds and blood components.

Glomerulonephritis is a hematuric form

This variant pathology is also called Berger's disease. At first, well-being also remains satisfactory, but later hematuric glomerulonephritis provokes swelling of soft tissues and an increase in blood pressure. The symptomatology of the disease is nonspecific, so laboratory tests are required. It is necessary to examine urine in order to diagnose such glomerulonephritis - the symptoms and treatment are confirmed when blood components are found in the biological fluid:

Glomerulonephritis is a hypertonic form

One of the most common types of pathology, is about 25% of all glomerular lesions. Urinalysis does not help determine this chronic glomerulonephritis - the hypertonic form does not affect the composition of the biological fluid. The only significant symptom of the disease considered by experts is the steady increase in blood pressure. Hypertension is observed from the first days of progression of pathology and continues until remission. The diastolic index (lower pressure) is more than 95 mm Hg. Art.

Nephrotic glomerulonephritis

This variant of the disease proceeds with pronounced clinical manifestations. There is both chronic and acute glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome. It is characterized by a strong puffiness subcutaneous tissue (anasarca), limbs and soft tissues, sometimes ascites (dropsy). It is easier for specialists to diagnose the described glomerulonephritis - symptoms and treatment are confirmed even on the basis of examination. At additional researches in urine the big concentration of fiber, and in blood - deficiency of albumin is found out.

Mixed form of glomerulonephritis

This type of disease is a combination of hypertonic and nephrotic syndrome. Mixed glomerulonephritis occurs with signs characteristic of both forms of pathology. It very quickly progresses and can lead to serious complications, therefore it involves intensive therapy. Combined type of lesions of the renal glomeruli always provokes changes in the composition of urine (proteinuria and hematuria).

Glomerulonephritis - symptoms

The clinical picture of the disease in question corresponds to the nature of its course and type, including the results of laboratory tests. Urine with glomerulonephritis changes its composition almost always (except latent form). It shows proteins and blood cells in different concentrations. Obvious symptoms of glomerulonephritis:

Glomerulonephritis - Diagnosis

First, the specialist carefully examines the patient and interrogates him, establishes the presence of specific signs of the disease. For the final diagnosis is required tests - with glomerulonephritis must pass urine and blood (biochemistry). Additionally, the following studies are assigned:

Glomerulonephritis - treatment

The therapy for damaging the glomeruli is selected depending on the form of the disease and the severity of its course. Treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis during relapse, acute or subacute pathology includes:

Glomerulonephritis - treatment, drugs

Conservative therapy is prescribed only by a specialist based on the results of instrumental and laboratory studies. It is important to determine what triggered glomerulonephritis - the symptoms and treatment of the disease fully correspond to its causes. If the pathogen of inflammation are microbes, the use of antibiotics is recommended. In other situations, the nephrologist may prescribe antiviral or anthelmintic agents.

Additionally, the following drugs are prescribed for glomerulonephritis:

Glomerulonephritis - folk methods of treatment

Alternative therapeutic techniques are allowed for use only outside the acute stage of pathology. Treatment of glomerulonephritis with folk remedies helps to cope with some symptoms of the disease (swelling, a decrease in the amount of urine released per day). Natural recipes do not eliminate the causes of damage to the kidney glomeruli and do not stop the inflammatory processes, so they can be used as an auxiliary therapy.

Herbal collection from glomerulonephritis


Preparation, use:

  1. Mix the natural ingredients in a glass container.
  2. Pour the whole mixture with boiling water and cover.
  3. Insist for 2 hours.
  4. Filter out the liquid and pour into a clean jar.
  5. Take a third cup of medicine 3 times a day.

Tea from edema


Preparation, use :

  1. Mix the listed ingredients in a kettle.
  2. Pour the raw material with hot water.
  3. Insist the remedy under the lid for half an hour.
  4. Strain the liquid.
  5. Pour a quarter of a glass of the solution and dilute it with warm water.
  6. Drink medicine as a tea (you can sweeten) 4 times a day.

Diet with glomerulonephritis

The recommended diet (tables 7a or 7b for Pevzner) depends on the nature of the pathology. The strictest diet is provided if acute glomerulonephritis is diagnosed - treatment presupposes a significant restriction of salt in the menu (no more than 2 g per day) and absolute exclusion of the following products:

The amount of protein food should not exceed 40 grams per day. It is advisable to include in the diet unloading days:

After stabilizing the condition, stopping inflammation and eliminating puffiness, table 7b or 7 is prescribed for Pevzner. This diet is slightly enlarged, consumption of up to 5 grams of salt per day is allowed, the permitted amount of proteins and fats increases. Even with a steady improvement in the state of health, it is advisable to continue to follow the diet, refusing fatty, spicy, smoked and fried foods.

Complications of glomerulonephritis

When diagnosing the disease in the acute stage, it is completely cured without consequences in most cases. In rare situations glomerulonephritis is complicated - symptoms and treatment can be defined incorrectly or pathology is detected in subacute or chronic form. The most severe consequence of the glomerular lesion is renal failure. It progresses over the years and leads to the replacement of normal connective tissue.

Other complications that provoke diffuse glomerulonephritis:

Glomerulonephritis - prevention

To prevent the development of an acute form of the disease, if the control of the course of bacterial and viral infections, they can be treated with appropriate drugs in a timely manner. Prevention of glomerulonephritis of a chronic type requires a correction of lifestyle and nutrition in order to prevent a relapse of the inflammatory process:

  1. Refuse to smoke and drink alcohol.
  2. Observe a diet with restriction of salt and protein in the diet.
  3. Regularly measure blood pressure, take urine for analysis.
  4. Periodically visit a nephrologist.
  5. Go to the profile sanatorium.
  6. Avoid supercooling.
  7. Control the level of intellectual and physical activity.
  8. In time, treat infections and completely stop their symptoms.