External endometriosis

External endometriosis is one of the varieties of this disease, which looks like an outgrowth of the endometrial tissue outside the uterus. Risk group - women from 35 to 40 years. Endometriosis of the external genitalia is the third, after inflammatory processes and uterine fibroids, according to the frequency of the disease of the gynecological system.

Symptoms of external endometriosis

External endometriosis has the following symptoms:

External genital endometriosis has nonspecific clinical manifestations and, as a rule, is not too pronounced. You can detect it, given the above symptoms and when examined by a doctor.

There is also an external-internal form of endometriosis - a disease in which, in addition to affecting the ovaries and pelvic peritoneum, it is also possible to observe the growth of the endometrium in the myometrium. The uterus grows in size and takes on a rounded shape.

Treatment of external endometriosis

External endometriosis is successfully treated by several proven methods, we will consider known ways to combat it.

  1. Drug therapy. Includes hormonal drugs such as Danoval, Danol, Buserelin, Decapeptil, Diferelin, Zoladex, Citratide, Dufaston , Utrozhestan.
  2. Surgical treatment - laparoscopy. The detected foci are destroyed by a laser, electric or mechanical instrument.
  3. Combined treatment implies the combination of both methods.

Treatment of external endometriosis, as a rule, gives quick and successful results even if the disease is sufficiently started. In addition, in order to achieve the main result of treatment of gynecological diseases - pregnancy, after carrying out all medical measures and impossibility of conception, in the usual way resort to alternative methods of fertilization.