Candles terzhinan during pregnancy

Treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women involves a number of difficulties. First of all, this applies to expectant mothers who are at an early pregnancy. The appointment of drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy has a number of limitations due to the great danger in their use for women and fetuses.

Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, the drug terinan can be used to treat vaginal infections, especially thrush.

Application of terzhinan during pregnancy

In the appointment of doctors terzinan during pregnancy, there is some inconsistency. While some gynecologists prescribe terzhinan in the first trimester of pregnancy, others recommend it to their patients no earlier than 12-14 weeks. Perhaps this discrepancy is due to the fact that in the specialized medical literature in 2003-2004, based on the studies, recommendations were given on the appointment of terzhinan to pregnant women in the first trimester. But already in 2008 there were publications according to which it is possible to use terzhinan for pregnant women only from the second trimester.

According to the instructions for medical use, the candle is turgied during pregnancy can be used from the second trimester. The administration of the drug terzhinan, as the instruction says, is justified in pregnancy in the first trimester only if the potential benefit to the mother exceeds the risk to the fetus.

In any case, future mothers can use any medicinal product only according to the doctor's prescription and all the arising issues can be solved only with him.

Candles terzhinan when pregnancy is recommended to enter for the night in the vagina, after having moistened them with water. After the introduction, lie down for at least 15-20 minutes for a better penetration of the drug. Terzhinan at pregnancy for treatment from a thrush apply once a day. If the symptoms of the disease are severe - it is troubled by severe itching, puffiness, and gives the woman a strong discomfort, waiting for the evening is not worth it. You can enter the medication in the daytime, but the necessary time to lie down is necessary, otherwise there will not be a proper effect. The duration of the application of candles is terzhinan during pregnancy is determined by the doctor. Self-regulation of drug intake is unacceptable.

Some future mothers note that using terzhinan, there are discharges that are not characteristic of pregnancy. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor without delaying this question.

The drug terzhinan is widely used in obstetrics in the treatment of the birth canal, in order to avoid infection of the baby with candidiasis. Apply Terzhinan and when planning pregnancy - if a woman suffers from vaginal infections, then before the desired pregnancy must undergo a full course of treatment. If this is not done, then during pregnancy the disease will manifest itself in a more severe form and will be dangerous not only for the woman, but also for the future child. In addition, the course of treatment with terzhinan during pregnancy, like any other drug, will be gentle, without additional appointments. So, recovery will come slower.

The future mother always needs to remember that she is responsible not only for her life, but also for the life of the future baby. Therefore, before using any medicine, be sure to consult your doctor.