Stress incontinence

A lot of women suffer from incontinence even at a young age. Leakage can occur when coughing, lifting weights and other muscle tension in the abdomen. In this case, they say that a person has stress urinary incontinence . Often women who suffer from this disease do not consult a doctor, because they believe that this is a natural consequence of their age.

What are the causes of this condition?

The occurrence of stress incontinence is promoted by:

Because of the above reasons, the urethra goes down and its urine retention properties are violated. Therefore, with the slightest strain and even a change of position or laughter, leakage occurs. It can be from a drop to several milliliters. This condition is called stress urinary incontinence. It breaks the normal course of life, in severe cases, a woman is forced to stay at home.

Many believe that this is a consequence of age, and it is no longer possible to get rid of it. But the treatment of stress incontinence should begin as soon as possible. To do this, you need to visit the urogynecologist. After all, depending on the causes and varieties of the ailment, the ways of getting rid of it are different.

How to treat stress urinary incontinence?

In light cases, when leakage occurs periodically and in small portions, the use of Kegel exercises helps to train and strengthen muscles. It is also desirable to adjust the way of life: to avoid lifting weights, to abandon bad habits and to limit the use of liquid.

Stressed urinary incontinence in women is sometimes treated with hormone replacement therapy. After all, estrogens have a positive effect on the health of not only the genitals, but also on the urethra. With an average and severe form of stress urinary incontinence, surgery becomes the only way out that will help a woman to establish a normal life. Modern surgical methods of treatment are more sparing than before, and are conducted under local anesthesia.