Hat with a veil

According to the rules and canons of Eastern religion, a woman must cover her face and body with a cloth, which is considered a symbol of obedience and innocence. It is from here that western fashionistas borrowed the tradition of hiding their face under the flap of translucent material called a veil.

Women's hats with a veil - how it all began?

Today, an accessory in the form of a hat with a veil looks pompous and solemn, so the girls wear it only on special occasions. What can not be said about the ladies of the Middle Ages. Our forefathers did not neglect such a powerful weapon that helped them conquer men's hearts. The veil created an aura of mystery, demonstrated the submissiveness and humility of its owner, which was highly valued at that time.

Even in the XIV century in Europe, women learned how to combine a veil with a headdress, then they were high cheeps. But, as you know, the fashion is changeable and changeable, with it the shape and size of the headdress changed: broad-brimmed hats replaced the capes, then small hats, canoes and hat-caps, but the ladies did not hurry to say good-bye to the veil.

The sixties of the last century became the apogee of the popularity of women's hats with a veil, or rather a tablet's caps, with a small net barely covering their foreheads. The elegant and mysterious image, which was obtained thanks to such a refined accessory, inspires designers and stylists to this day.

Hat with a veil and modernity

Of course, few people will dare to put on a hat with a veil on a typical weekday. Just imagine a girl in a business suit and a hat with a veil on her head, to tell you the truth, it would look ridiculous. However, the image of a lady in a luxurious evening or cocktail dress is perceived quite differently. Therefore, modern women do not miss the opportunity to complement the festive outfit with such an amazingly stylish and beautiful accessory. As evening models, hairpins or mini versions of hats with a veil are used, decorated with beads, feathers, ribbons, flowers.

Depending on the overall style and preferences of the owner, you can choose a wide-brimmed hat , hat, or pill. There are practically no restrictions on the color of the product, if we do not take into account the stereotypes, that the black hat with a veil is the part of the funeral processions, and the white prerogative of the brides.

In any case, a skillfully selected accessory is a great opportunity to feel like a real lady and the queen of the evening.

A hat with a veil in a wedding fashion

White wedding hat with a veil is an excellent solution for a wedding ceremony. Considering a symbol of purity and innocence, a white veil will replace a traditional veil. While the design of the hat will bring a twist to the image of the happy half of the future family. Wedding hats with a veil covering their head fit even for church wedding, and small openwork will look great on the photo session. A light retro shade will give the triumph of the hat a tablet with a short transparent mesh.

How to choose a hat with a veil?

Not only does the outfit of a woman dictate the basic rules regarding the shape and size of the hat itself. But the shape of her face plays an important role in this not simple matter. In particular, stylists recommend: