Coconut pancakes

Pancakes are quite usual and usual for our table dish. You can make pancakes with the addition of vegetables, fruits, even fish or minced meat. And if you want something special, you can make coconut pancakes. To do this, it is not necessary to buy a coconut, you can (and it's even more convenient) to use coconut chips (which is easy to find on sale).

How to cook coconut pancakes?



We mix oblique shavings, eggs and homemade kefir (or other dairy product). We mix necessarily sifted flour. Stir thoroughly and gently whisk a whisk, you can and mixer. Dough should not be too thick - as usual for pancakes, maybe a little thicker. Let the test stand for 20-30 minutes, and you can proceed.

It is better to grease the frying pan with lard, and do not fry in vegetable oil, because then we will bake pancakes rather than fry. This method of heat treatment can be considered more healthy.

We bake pancakes before browning on both sides. The shade should be golden.

We serve coconut pancakes with unsweetened live yoghurt, cream or sour cream. It is also good to serve fresh hot tea with lemon, hot chocolate, karkade, mate, rooibos or fresh hot compote.

To prepare carrot-coconut fritters, we observe all the proportions and sequence of actions of the previous recipe (see above). Just add to the dough 1 grated carrot on a small grater and slightly reduce the amount of flour. It should be noted that the pumpkin and / or banana give more interesting results, the carrots are still somewhat rude. If you add a banana, you can simply knead it with a fork or grind it in a blender or combine. Pumpkin, of course, must be grated or to mash in some other way, for example, a blender or a chopper.

It is also interesting to make coconut fritters from rice flour. Rice flour can be found in retail chains or manufactured independently with the help of a home mill. The proportions are approximately the same as in the previous recipe (see above). To coconut pancakes from rice flour, it is good to serve fruit sauces. If these sauces will include mango, avocado, lime, hot red pepper, tamarind paste and other suitable ingredients, it will be even better in terms of authentic harmonic compatibility.