Teratozoospermia and pregnancy

Teratozoospermia is characterized by the presence in the ejaculate of spermatozoa, which have a pathological form . At the same time, their number exceeds 50% of the total number. This particular pathology, in most cases, is the cause of infertility in men . However, this does not mean at all that teratozoospermia and pregnancy are two absolutely incompatible concepts.

What causes teratozoospermia?

The causes of teratozoospermia are quite numerous. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult to establish exactly the one that caused the development of pathology in a particular case. Doctors often call the following causes of the disease:

How is Teratozoospermia Treated?

Often married couples, after learning about the presence of teratozoospermia in a husband, think about whether it is possible to become pregnant with this disease, and how to cure it.

To date, there are no unambiguous methods and schemes that allow you to quickly get rid of this pathology. Treatment of the disease in each case has its own peculiarities, and here everything depends, first of all, on the type of cause.

So, if the development of teratozoospermia was caused by inflammatory, or viral diseases, the therapeutic process is primarily aimed at combating them. The complex of treatment also includes the administration of drugs that directly improve the blood flow to the genitals, thereby exerting a positive influence on the quality of sperm, such as Tribestan, Gerimax.

Often, with teratozoospermia, insemination is carried out, which consists in the fertilization of a woman with artificial sperm. However, according to some sources, this procedure entails various violations in the development of the fetus and often leads to involuntary abortions. Those same women who become pregnant with teratozoospermia, respond positively to this method.