What is the dream about?

Many believe that in a dream a person lives another life, which consists of desires, secret aspirations. Today everyone has the opportunity to explain what he has seen and to find out what the dream is.

What is the dream about?

The doorway in a dream is a kind of warning that in the near future you can face various kinds of problems. If the dream was positive, then everything will end well. Hacking into a dream door - in real life, you are waiting for obstacles on the way.

What does an open door dream about?

When you see such a picture in a dream, then in reality you are already ready for a new relationship. It can also be a signal that it's time to act. To see how the door is open in the apartment - wait for uninvited guests, and also sleep is a symbol of readiness for the formation of a family.

What's the secret of a closed door?

In a dream, you close the door for someone - subconsciously you want to protect yourself and your relatives from enemies and gossip. Also, such a dream can indicate the presence of competition with other people. You will need to spend a lot of energy to solve the current situation.

Why do you dream a lot of doors?

If you see such a dream , then in real life it's time to make a choice and solve the situation, which is stuck in the air. Do not hesitate in resolving the issue, since the opportunity will pass to another person. Also, such a vision testifies to the great opportunities that must be used.

Why is the new door dreaming?

This night vision is a symbol of a new step in your life, for example, marriage, the birth of a child, a new job or an important project.

Why does the white door dream?

Seeing such a dream is the desire to help close relatives and friends, and also it shows that you have an open mind. It can also mean the chance to organize your successful business .