Deliciously tender fish in orange sauce

The fish, cooked in orange sauce, turns out to be much tastier and more original than simply baked in the oven - it is thanks to the fruit marinade that it acquires a piquant, sour taste, and inside it remains very delicate and deliciously juicy. Let's find out with you some recipes for preparing this fabulous and unusual dish. As a side dish, potato and vegetable puree , buckwheat, rice or peas are perfect.

Sea fish in orange sauce


For sauce:


We offer one more option, how to cook fish in orange sauce. Take cornstarch and bred it together with saffron in cold water, so that there are no lumps. From oranges and lemon squeeze juice.

Fish podsalivaem, fry until done on olive oil and transfer to a warm plate. In the same frying pan quickly fry the chopped garlic and parsley, pour the juice. Lightly evaporate the liquid, pour out the starch diluted in water with saffron, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous sauce is obtained. Then add a little grated orange peel and mix. We serve the dish to the table, watering the fish with the prepared sauce.

The recipe for cooking pollock in orange sauce


For sauce:


We take fresh fish, cleanse from scales, gut, thoroughly rinse and cut into small portions of small pieces about 2 cm wide. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs well, add salt and pepper. Then the pollock is laid out in egg mass and left for 5 minutes. After this, each slice dipped in flour mixed with starch, and put in a heavily heated oil in a frying pan. Fry fish from all sides until golden brown.

Next, we turn to the preparation of sauce: from orange and lemon squeeze out the juice, pour it into the saucepan, add sugar and heat until the crystals are completely dissolved. Then pour carefully the water with the diluted starch and stir until the mixture thickens. We put the finished pieces of pollock on a dish, pour the sauce and serve it to the table.

Red fish in orange sauce



To make salmon steak under orange sauce, take one orange and squeeze out the juice from it. Add to it juice from a lemon, a little mustard and mix until homogeneity. Fish well washed, dried and rubbed with salt and pepper. Then we shift the pieces of salmon into a deep bowl and pour the previously prepared marinade. Leave the minutes for 10-15, so that the fish is as follows, soaked in fruit juices.

This time we cover the baking sheet with foil, lubricate it with oil. The rest of my orange, cut into thin slices and put on a baking sheet. When the fish is marinated, gently shift it onto the citrus slices, top it off with plenty of remaining marinade.

Preheat the oven in advance to 180 degrees. Bake the dish for 15-20 minutes until completely ready. Ready-made sweet and sour salmon served with your favorite vegetables and garnish.