Heeled shoes

This element of footwear for several centuries is a powerful weapon of women in the conquest of male attention - shoes on the heel make the gait sexier, the figure - slimmer, and posture - more regal.

The history of high-heeled shoes

Heel - no matter how unusual it sounded, was originally a detail of men's shoes. High shoes were worn by courtiers and military men in the 18th century. In the women's wardrobe, shoes with heels appeared under Catherine de 'Medici - she was not tall, so she tried in every way to exalt herself. Since then, the heel has become a symbol of power and, above all, feminine, as with the onset of the automotive era, men abandoned this element.

In the 1860s they wore a square low heel, in 1890 the heel suddenly "grew" to 11 cm. In the early 20s of the 20th century, a steady heel was in vogue, due to the fact that many were fond of dancing. In the 30s a "Spanish" heel appeared - he was loved and enjoyed with Marlene Dietrich . In the middle of the last century, the efforts of Roger Vivier - shoe master Christian Dior, the birth of "carnations" or "hairpins".

Women's high-heeled shoes - thickness and shape matter

Low-heeled shoes are those with an elevation not exceeding 2 cm. Shoes with a small heel are convenient for everyday wear, but most women still prefer a graceful high.

The popularity of beautiful shoes on heels varies depending on the fashion trends. When choosing the next pair should pay attention to this, in addition, be guided by the following tips:

Comfortable shoes on the heel - this one in which it is comfortable for you, because much depends on the individual characteristics of the foot. It is necessary to know that the constant wearing of high shoes can cause health problems, for example, flat feet, back pain. Also, shoes without heels are not a rescue from such troubles. The optimal option is an average heel or alternating shoe of different heights.