Sea buckthorn oil

The benefits of these small orange berries were known even in ancient Greece. Today, the unique healing and regenerative properties of sea buckthorn oil are confirmed by official medicine, and it is successfully used to treat wounds, burns, and certain diseases.

Composition and properties of sea-buckthorn oil

Sea-buckthorn oil is useful for adults and children alike. Its biological value is due to the content of vitamins: B6, B2, B1, C, K, E and trace elements: calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese. It contains organic acids - amber, salicylic, malic, and also carotenoids - precursors of vitamin A, flavonoids, phytoncides, pectin substances, coumarins and tannins.

Due to its composition, sea buckthorn oil has the following effects on the body:

The use of sea buckthorn oil helps restore the body's immune defenses, supports the organs of vision, the functioning of the reproductive system, the normal condition of the skin and mucous membranes. In addition, the use of oil maintains hormonal balance, helps to maintain youth, normalizes blood pressure. And this is far from a complete description of what is useful for sea-buckthorn oil.

External use of sea buckthorn oil has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. Internally, it can not be taken only in acute forms of liver, pancreas and gallbladder diseases.

Sea-buckthorn oil in cosmetology

Very often this valuable source of nutrients is one of the ingredients of various cosmetology products. Also sea-buckthorn oil can be used at home to solve problems of skin of the face and body, hair.

Sea-buckthorn oil can penetrate deep into the subcutaneous layers, improving metabolic processes, helping to soften, nourish the skin, protecting against loss of moisture. Mature, dry, flabby skin it helps restore elasticity, eliminates peeling, smoothes fine wrinkles. Also, this oil is used to eliminate pigmentation spots and freckles, skin whitening. Effects on the oily and problematic skin, it has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, eliminates acne. Sea-buckthorn oil can lubricate sun damaged or burned skin.

For dry and fading skin of the face, sea buckthorn oil can be added to the cream, which is used daily, a few drops. You can add it to the composition of nutritious and toning masks. With oily skin, oil can be applied in a pure form to problem areas for 10-15 minutes, which will promote disinfection and normalization of sebaceous glands.

Caution: Sea-buckthorn oil, because of the high content of carotenoids, can not be used too often in its pure form, as this can lead to a weakening of the skin's protective barrier.

Application for hair: rub the sea buckthorn oil in the scalp 2 hours before washing hair. After such nutritional procedures, the hair grows faster, becomes thick and healthy, stops falling out. It is also useful for the restoration of eyelashes and nails.

Sea-buckthorn oil for newborns

The oil of sea buckthorn can lubricate diaper rash on the skin of newborns and babies after hygienic procedures, which promotes rapid healing. Also, they can lubricate the oral mucosa with thrush, it will help with glossitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue), which happens in children with an accidental bite of this organ. Also, sea-buckthorn oil can be an excellent tool for relieving pain and inflammation with teething.