White discharge before menstruation

Many women are worried, appearing just before the menstruation, white discharge. As you know, every sexually mature female representative is normal, throughout the entire menstrual cycle, minor discharge from the vagina is observed. This is primarily due to the so-called natural secretion, which is needed not only to moisten the mucous membrane of the vagina, but also protects the internal reproductive organs from possible infectious diseases. However, it is necessary to correctly distinguish normal discharge from pathological. Therefore, let's take a closer look and tell you about whether there can normally be white discharge before the monthly, and in which cases their occurrence should cause alertness.

What kind of discharge before menstruation is the norm?

It is generally accepted that normal discharges observed immediately before menstruation are usually transparent and have a slightly whitish hue. The appearance of white, thick excretions before menstruation, can also be considered a norm, only if they are not accompanied by such phenomena as itching, burning, unpleasant odor.

It is also believed that in normal discharge from the vagina before menstruation have a slightly unclear tone. This is explained by the fact that with them the dead cells of the uterine membrane begin to leave the vagina.

Particular attention should be paid to the consistency, the volume of excreta. So if they have ductility and excessive density, you need to consult about this with your doctor.

In what cases is the abundant white discharge before the menstrual period a symptom of the disease?

When you change the amount and quality of excretions speak of the appearance, the so-called, whitewash. This kind of phenomenon is always a sign of a gynecological disease, which requires prompt diagnosis and treatment.

So, for example, white, curdled discharge, just before the menstrual period, talk about such a violation as urogenital candidiasis, known to women called "thrush". As a rule, the change in the hormonal background caused by the onset of menstruation, and the weakening of the defenses of the body is an excellent time for the reproduction of the candidate fungus. At the same time, a woman experiences severe itching, burning, which causes great discomfort. Having experienced all the symptoms of this violation, a woman who has never confused him with anything. Therefore, already "experienced" female representatives know that white discharge before the most menstrual and itching are signs of a beginning thrush.

With such a gynecological disease as cervical erosion, one of the first symptoms is abundant, whitish discharge, sometimes with white veins. When they appear, you need to consult a doctor for advice. The thing is that erosion is the prerequisite for the formation of malignant tumors in the reproductive organs.

With cervicitis, also quite often before the men appear white, not thick discharge without a smell. The disease is dangerous because if you do not contact the doctor in time and ignore the symptoms, it can go to the stage of purulent cervicitis, which can not be avoided without taking antibacterial drugs.

The appearance of pus contaminants in white secretions can indicate an infectious disease, like gonorrhea.

Separately still it is necessary to say that many women with the appearance of white or slightly whitish discharge before menstruation, think that this is a pregnancy. In fact, such a phenomenon, from a medical point of view, can not be regarded as an objective sign of the onset of pregnancy.