Fat Burning

Since you are reading this article, you probably want to lose weight. However, let's figure out what a difference between the concepts of fat burning and weight loss. You probably think (even see when you close your eyes) that you have an aspen waist, thin legs, elastic buttocks, that's just one thing that prevents them from seeing people around them - the layer of fat under which they are hidden.

So, losing weight is, perhaps, the process when you sit on a diet, for example, from buckwheat and kefir. Endure and suffer 3-4 days, then you begin to feel sick, and you cursed all the "thin" of this world. In the end, after falling off, you jumped on everything that comes in hand and gets not only what you dropped, but those kilograms that were not there before. But fat burning is a purposeful and conscious disposal of fat deposits under the skin. For effective fat burning, you need to have:

Motivation should consist of something significant and long-term. You, for example, can "podtravlivat" myself putting on the desktop image of some of his idol (actress, athlete, etc.) with an excellent figure. Looking at someone else's happiness, you want to have another candy.

The plan will tell you how to accelerate the fat burning, because you must write down not only intentions but also achievements. Your plan should keep a record of calories, with fat burning, it should make up a deficit of 20%. That is, we eat 20% less than we spend. We will deal with food more specifically.


Food is part of the fat burning program that you will have to do on your own at home. Firstly, we do not allow the metabolism to slow down. For this, fractional food is used - 6-7 meals. Divide everything that you eat at 7, get frequent and small portions.

Secondly, for fat burning (that is - drying) protein is necessary. If you do not consume it in the right amount, your body, with a lack of calories, will begin to extract the protein from the muscles. And then the fat burning will go to our detriment. Each day, consume 4 g of protein per kilogram of weight, this applies to both men and women. Fat burning for girls is not much different from masculine.

Physical exercise

We need training on fat burning. They consist of cardio training and strength training. In the morning on an empty stomach should run for 30 or more minutes, and before the strength training, run or jump on the rope. Cardio load can be carried out and 3-4 times a day, if you have such an opportunity. They will help to break down all glycogen (in it energy is postponed) and only after burning of fats begins.

Measuring part - be stocked by scales and centimeter. Write down all your indicators in a notebook with a plan. However, do this no more often than once a day, or even better, once a week, to see the result more clearly.

We are all interested in the process of fat burning in the body. As mentioned above, in the body energy is deposited in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver. At the first demand in energy, the cleavage of glycogen begins. Glycogen will be consumed during sleep and between meals food, and that glycogen, which was not used up, is postponed already in the form of fat. It is very effective to run immediately after awakening, since glycogen is consumed all during sleep, which means that we will immediately start burning fat. Also, loads between meals are useful so that glycogen is not deposited as fat. After strength training, when the forces, it would seem, no longer exist, one must run about. During the load, all glycogen was split, muscles grew stronger and running would help burn some more fat.

We hope that the fat burning process is now extremely understandable for you and you will be able to allocate your time to the most effective method of getting rid of fat.