Means for the growth of eyelashes in pharmacies

It's no secret that beautiful long eyelashes give femininity. Often stresses, decorative cosmetics and the negative impact of the environment do not have a good effect on their condition. Here, and come to the rescue funds for the growth of eyelashes, sold in pharmacies.

Features of the choice of drugs for the growth of eyelashes

You should pay attention to the fact that buying such cosmetics should be strictly in the pharmaceutical markets, otherwise unchecked and unlicensed drops and gels may not have the best effect on the health of the eyes, since they often contain harmful components. This can cause allergic reactions .

Effective means for the growth of eyelashes in pharmacies

So, proven and really effective pharmacy means to strengthen and grow eyelashes in a convenient package is not so much.


The name speaks for itself. The drug contains the most important element that forms the hair since the follicle. This is an inexpensive tool, but it is available for purchase in almost every pharmacy in the CIS.

Lipocilsgel Talika

The drug is released in a small cute case with a lid-brush. It is very convenient to apply liquid to the roots of the eyelashes. Perfectly suits as a basis for mascara and promotes a more even application, preventing gluing. The substance does not irritate the eyes and does not cause any inconvenience.

Careprost (Careprost)

The drug, licensed in America, was previously used as vitamins for the retina. The growth of eyelashes is its so-called side effect. Soon his purpose was spread exclusively to the hair follicle. Produced Kareprost in a package in the form of a tube with transparent drops, which certainly put on the roots of the eyelashes.


The remedy that is produced in Austria and its main direction is stimulation to the awakening of sleeping bulbs of the eyelashes. This effect gives substance prostaglandin. Eyelashes become thicker, longer, and hairs - noticeably thicker.

Castor oil

The most inexpensive means for the growth of eyelashes, available in the pharmacy, and frankly - a little outdated. In addition, that the growth effect is noticeable not earlier than after a month of application, so also the oil film creates terrible discomfort. Therefore, it can be applied only the night before the very sleep.

A good tool for growing eyelashes in a pharmacy today is not a problem to buy. The main thing is that it is ideally suited and does not cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, the first thing after the acquisition is to conduct an allergot test, applying a drop of substance behind the ear or to the fold of the hand.