How to carry close shoes?

With this problem, we often meet in each season. In winter, we are pressed by boots, in the summer it is impossible to rub sandals. And the most insulting, when you thought up an impeccable image, finally, tried it on, and the new luxurious shoes hopelessly tighten. In this case, we begin to recall all conceivable and unimaginable ways how to distribute tight shoes.

How to carry tight shoes?

One of the common folk ways of wearing shoes is filling it with bags of water. It is necessary to pour water in the bags, insert them into the shoes, and put the shoes in the freezer for a while.

There is an easier way - a special spray, which is sold in shoe stores.

Another option, how to carry leather shoes - soak them with alcohol. It makes the skin softer and more elastic. Brush shoes, moistened with vodka, not less than half an hour. The result should please you.

If you are wondering how to carry a close lacquer or suede shoes, then alcohol will also help. For varnish shoes you can use vodka. For suede - beer. Wet shoes from the inside carefully so as not to leave any marks. By the way, suede shoes are used to quickly wear itself. Therefore, try to just walk around in it for a while, perhaps you will not have to resort to other methods of erosion.

How to carry close boots?

In general, close shoes are applicable to the same advice as to the wearing of other models of shoes. You can torture your legs and stretch your boots at home yourself, and you can give your shoes to a repair shop. There is a special device - a stretcher for shoes. Perhaps this option will be most effective.

There is another effective way how to carry close leather boots. For this you need a hairdryer. It is necessary to warm the shoes with hot air, then lubricate the place in which you experience discomfort with a special stretch cream. Put your shoes on a terry toe and blaspheme at home for a while. This procedure must be repeated a couple of times, each time after the boots have cooled.

After the treatment, do not forget to lubricate the boots with castor oil or cream, otherwise the shoes may deteriorate.

How quickly to carry tight shoes?

You bought new shoes, and there was not a single tool at hand? In this case, try using simple boiling water. Flick it inside the shoes, and immediately put it on. The skin will become soft and when dry it will take the shape of your foot.

Here are a few tips for quickly wearing shoes:

  1. The vinegar solution. Moisten them with shoes from the inside. The solution must be 3%.
  2. Candle wax. They smeared the inside of the shoes at night, and in the morning must carefully clean all the paraffin.
  3. Kerosene. It will help to make the skin of the shoes softer, which will allow you to wear shoes with pleasure.

You may think that for the wearing of shoes the house will have to arrange a chemical laboratory. But there is a very simple way. If you do not want to perform the above manipulations for any reason, you can purchase a special device for wearing shoes. You will always have it at hand.

Do not tolerate calluses and footprints on your feet. Believe me, in this case, beauty should not claim victims. Tight shoes can lead to deformities of the feet and subsequent foot diseases . Therefore, since you bought shoes that are not quite proportionate to your legs, be sure to wear it properly and wear it with pleasure.