Decline of forces - reasons

Nothing pleases me, I do not feel like getting up to work in the morning, I do not want to do my favorite hobby in the evening, and even I do not want to talk to anyone - these are all possible signs of a breakdown. The decline of strength is usually associated with a general state of fatigue, drowsiness, exhaustion of the body, but it can hide behind it and more complex diseases.

Who is at risk?

The decay of strength can be long in time, that is, you feel like fatigue accumulates in the body and day after day it does not get better for you. The constant decline of forces, the causes of which are hidden, most likely in your way of life, is a characteristic disease for large cities. Most often, the constant decline of power affects women due to the fact that they take on their shoulders a lot of worries and wish to have time to realize themselves at the maximum in work, at home, and in their personal aspirations. Often such an excessive lifestyle leads to the fact that the forces are drying up, and the body no longer has energy, desires or aspirations.

Causes of a sharp decline in strength

A sharp decline in strength can have causes in a latent disease or a beginning illness. Often, a sharp decline in strength, dizziness, nausea leads to poisoning, its early stage. In this case, it is better to give the body peace, rest, drink more liquid. A sharp decline in strength can also signal a developing colds.

Decline of strength, drowsiness has common causes of occurrence:

  1. Increased physical and mental stress at work, studying, lasting for a long time. In this case, there is a kind of burnout, and the body can not work further in the same voltage. He defends himself against "overheating" by his common weakness.
  2. Lack of adequate rest, insufficient amount of sleep. The body simply does not have time to regain its strength, which accumulates day after day.
  3. Lack of vitamins, cold season, lack of solar energy, low immunity.
  4. Decline in strength, low temperature can be a sign of anemia, a lack of iron in the blood. This cause causes low hemoglobin, which does not saturate your blood with oxygen.
  5. The constant stressful situation in the family, with close people, at work, as a result the body becomes oppressed, weakness, apathy, and loss of strength are felt.
  6. Infectious diseases that are hidden. For example, you can write off the symptoms for general fatigue, and your body will be acted by pathogens of infections and take your strength
  7. Hormonal failures , abnormal thyroid function.

What should we do if there is a general decay of forces?

If you feel a general decline of strength, first make changes in your lifestyle:

  1. Try to adhere to the regime: go to bed earlier to get enough sleep, get up at the same time.
  2. Make health in your lifestyle: give up alcohol, smoking, fast food, eat healthy food, enrich your diet with fruits and vegetables.
  3. Walk more in the fresh air, make obligatory walks after work or during lunch. Do sports, but not Overdo it: Excessive loads can lead to the opposite effect. For relaxation and vitality, a swimming pool, yoga, etc. are suitable.
  4. Leave the time for yourself: allocate at least half an hour every day, when you can move aside the cares of domestic, work, relatives. Go to the salon or go shopping, read a book or drink a cup of coffee in a cozy coffee house. Enjoy this time!

However, if the symptoms of a decline in strength only increase and last for a long time, consult a doctor! To begin with, it is enough to pass a general or advanced blood test, undergo a test for thyroid hormone levels. You may need to consult a gynecologist, an immunologist or a psychologist.