Walnut oil - good and bad

Walnut oil is produced by cold pressing of nut kernels. It has a rich nutty flavor and aroma. It contains a lot of bioactive substances. This explains the use and harm of walnut oil for the human body.

The Benefits of Walnut Oil

The benefit of nut butter is that it perfectly strengthens the immune system . Regularly using it, you increase the body's resistance to colds and any infections, as well as to radiation exposure. This kind of oil has an antioxidant effect. Within a short time, it removes various radionuclides from the human body.

Walnut oil prevents the appearance of atherosclerotic deposits in the vessels and has the properties of aphrodisiac. In addition, it improves:

The use of walnut oil for health and that it has a regenerating and good wound healing effect on damaged tissues. That is why it is often used for treatment:

This oil can restore the gastrointestinal mucosa. It is used to treat colitis and various ulcerative processes (especially in remission).

It acts as a antihelminthic agent. Its use normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and facilitates the escape of sputum. The use of walnut oil for pregnant women is that it quickly facilitates the course of toxicosis. It must necessarily be taken to people prone to any cancer. This is due to the fact that the nut oil inhibits the formation of malignant cells.

Application of walnut oil

Nut butter is used in a variety of spheres. In pharmacology, it is used as raw material for the manufacture of certain drugs, and in cosmetology it is used as the main component for various products for the skin of the hands. This oil can even be used alone as a normal night cream for damaged and dry skin. It has an excellent softening effect.

In cooking, walnut oil is most often used in its pure form. They are seasoned with salads and snacks. Add it can be in porridge, stew or other ready-made second dishes. Heat the oil is not worth it, it will be bitter. With a therapeutic or prophylactic purpose, he is drunk 5 ml a day, eating a spoonful of honey.

Very useful nut oil for damaged hair. It is best to make a mask from it using this recipe:

  1. Dilute 10 g of yeast (dry) in 100 ml of kefir (warm).
  2. After 20 minutes, add 10 grams of mustard powder and 20 ml of nut oil and one yolk into kefir.
  3. Rub the mask into the scalp.
  4. Rinse with water after 30 minutes.

If after such a procedure, the hair smells unpleasant, rinse them with a decoction of chamomile.

Contraindications to the use of walnut oil

Walnut oil does not harm the body if the person who takes it does not have contraindications to its use. It can not be used for enterocolitis or severe chronic colitis, intestinal diseases (especially acute) and increased blood coagulability. This product should not be added to food for those who are prone to allergic reactions. It can provoke the appearance of hives, various rashes, stomatitis (allergic) or diathesis.

Contraindications to the use of walnut oil are also neurodermatitis and eczema. Even in a small amount it can lead to aggravation of these ailments. It is not recommended to regularly use it for people who are prone to fatness, because oil has a high calorie content.