Tomato soup - a classic recipe

Today we will tell you how to cook incredibly delicious tomato soup in a multivarquet, and also offer classic recipes of this dish from Turkish and Italian cuisine.

How to cook tomato soup in a multivark?



Preparing the preparation of tomato soup, puree, fresh tomatoes, we make cruciform cuts on top of each fruit and fill it with boiling water for two or three minutes. Then easily peel off the skin, and cut the tomatoes into pieces and break it into a puree with a blender. We clear the onion, very little shred, put it into the multicastry, pre-pour a little refined oil into it and pass it to softness for ten minutes, adjusting the device to the "Baking" mode.

After that, add tomato puree, pour tomato juice, add laurel leaf, ground black and sweet pepper, and also coriander, salt to taste, throw at will purified and squeezed through the press garlic and spices to your taste.

We translate the device to the function "Quenching" and cook for twenty minutes.

When serving, decorate the tomato soup with puree of fresh basil leaves.

Tomato soup in Turkish style - classic recipe



In the saucepan pour olive oil and lay the previously cleaned and cut into several pieces of garlic. Fry it a little, and then extract and discard. Onions are cleaned, cut into small pieces and put into garlic oil. Pass the vegetable until soft, stirring, and at the same time fresh tomatoes, we make cruciform cuts from the top, scald with steep boiling water and take off the skins. We then cut the tomatoes a little and add them to the saucepan to the onions. There we send a little chopped parsley, pour tomato juice and meat broth.

Warm the mass to a boil and cook over moderate heat for twenty-five to thirty minutes. Then we break through the soup with a blender, let it boil again, and remove it from the fire.

When serving, pour the tomato cream soup in Turkish in a bowl, sprinkle on top with grated cheese and decorate with fresh parsley or mint leaves. Separately, you can serve crackers.

Italian tomato soup puree



Tomatoes are washed, scalded with boiling water, rid of pelts, cut in half, cleanse the seeds, and crush the pulp with arbitrary cubes.

Peeled and chopped onion and garlic, let's dress it in olive oil and transfer it together with the sliced ​​tomatoes into a saucepan. We associate the greens of basil, rosemary, thyme and sage together in one bundle and put into a pan to other components. Warm up the contents to a boil and boil over moderate heat for thirty minutes. Then a bunch of greenery is extracted and discarded, the vegetables are blended with a blender, seasoned with salt, pepper and dried basil and can be served by placing a few balls of mozzarella and basil leaves in each plate.