How to carry sandals?

When buying new sandals, for sure, every girl at least once in my life came across the fact that at first they rub, slightly press or crush, they appear on the feet . Such an incident can ruin the evening, meeting and mood in general. However, if you know how quickly to distribute sandals, then such cases will be reduced to a minimum.

Before referring to folk ways of wearing shoes, it is necessary to take into account the material and the structure of the fabric from which it is made. From this, and should be repelled in order to properly distribute sandals.

Sandals made from substitutes and synthetic material should not be subjected to amateur performance, but immediately carried to the workshop, where they are stretched with the help of special professional tools that will not damage the appearance. These sandals carry most difficult, because the artificial material is easily subjected to deformation, and come into disrepair more quickly than natural.

If you still decide to correct the shape of sandals, then you can wear them using several methods. The most proven and correct way is to process sandals with alcohol, and the next day to be like a couple of hours in the apartment. After alcohol treatment sandals will quickly take the desired shape. You can also carry the sandals, putting them on a thick toe. However, this method is suitable only if it allows you to make a model of shoes. And the most impatient women of fashion is to use a band-aid or a special net, on top of which sandals will not look ridiculous.

How to carry leather sandals?

In addition to the above methods, leather sandals can be worn with helium cushions. Such an accessory can be purchased at specialized shops or shoe shops.