Religious rituals, customs and rituals

Many existing religious rituals, customs and rituals have existed for a very long time, since they came to us from ancient times, when people used them as a kind of energy support and help in various everyday situations.

Ancient rituals and rituals

It is no secret that in ancient times people were engaged in hunting, and thus they earned their livelihood. However, not every time hunting succeeded, and in order to avoid hunger, people tried to invoke luck with signs: for example, they painted animals on rocks, and then hit them with spears, symbolizing a successful outcome.

At the same time, rituals began to take shape, for example, the burial ritual of a person. The grave was supposed to put flowers, weapons and objects that people used during their lifetime. As a rule, all rituals designate actions that connect a person with the world beyond.

Later, for the conduct of rituals and rituals, a special person began to appear in the tribe, who was called a sorcerer or sorcerer. They performed all the actions themselves and taught others to perform them. Slavic rites and rituals may differ from the rituals of other peoples, since they all have their own specifics.

Religious rites and rituals: then and now

In every age the rituals became more and more complicated. People found new ways to ask the gods for what they wanted. Nowadays, every religion has its own rites and rituals, which can be daily (for example, prayer ), calendar (for example, rituals and rituals for Christmas) or individual ones - for example, baptism.

As in our days, a person could pray alone, or come to a special temple. In those days at home each person had his own small altar, which also had to be prayed.

In the Siberian land, from time immemorial tribes of the northern peoples lived, who in the tribe had shamans who were engaged exclusively in rites and rituals. According to myths, the spirits were chosen by the shaman himself - the person who was supposed to be him, was taken to another world, dismantled and created anew, already in a new capacity. Such a person could walk between worlds, he could heal people, put energy protection, influence the weather. Traditionally, their rituals used music - the tinkling of a tambourine.

Interestingly, the Buryats and other peoples of the north who have preserved their culture today still have shamans who really possess amazing abilities: they can impose and remove a curse or predict fate.