How to change water in an aquarium with fish?

Fish living in the aquarium require constant maintenance of a certain composition of water, and despite the filtration and aeration, there comes a time when you have to change the water in the aquarium. This is an obligatory process that can be carried out in part or in full.

Beginners aquarists are wondering: how to properly change the water in the aquarium with fish, should it be defended? It is advisable to check the tap water for the content of harmful substances in it, and if they are present, it is necessary to stand water for three days, and the use of special cleaning compounds is also acceptable. If this is not done, you can simultaneously change not more than 20% of the composition of water in the aquarium .

Replacing the full volume of established water in the aquarium, and forming a certain ecosystem, is extremely rare, it negatively affects fish and plants, they are difficult to get used to new water and often die. Even after making a partial replacement of water, it is worthwhile to worry about maintaining its temperature, as well as gas and salt composition.

If there was a need to completely change the water in the aquarium, you should temporarily move all living organisms to another tank, completely clean the aquarium, fill it with water, and after a few days, when the biological balance is restored, return the fish and plants to their original place.

Features of changing the water for an aquarium with fish cocks

Fish frogs feel best in large aquariums, water in which at least 27 degrees. How can I change the water in a fish tank with cocks? There are no special requirements, you just need to know that this fish does not need frequent water changes. In this case, the cockerel transfers both soft and hard water. Changing the cockerel water for a new, it is necessary to add a part of the old one, while always observing the temperature regime. During the replacement of water, fish should be deposited in another container.