How to disaccustom a cat to bite?

Everyone is used to the fact that cats are affectionate and fluffy lumps and give their hosts many fun minutes with their games. But these are predators after all, and their hunting instincts are in their blood. And often it happens that the cat painfully bites during the game or pounces on the feet of the master. When the pet is small, the person is touched by his games and the desire to bite his hand. But the kitten grows, and its sharp teeth begin to hurt the owners. And so many pet owners are wondering what to do if the cat bites?

Experts believe that punishment can not be helped here. And before you cope with the undesirable behavior of the pet, you need to understand its causes. There can be several.

Why does the cat bite constantly?

  1. The most common reason for this - an animal no one has ever taught, that this can not be done. Since the appearance of a kitten in your home, you need to engage in his upbringing. The kid will definitely bite your hands, he does not know how to play differently. If you do not show him that you can not do this, then this behavior will be fixed.
  2. If the cat began to bite unexpectedly, but had never done it before, it is possible that something hurts it. In response to your touch, he begins to hiss and rumble, presses his ears and can bite. In this case, you need to show the pet to the veterinarian.
  3. A cat can become aggressive if it is afraid of something. For example, with frequent moves, the animal does not feel safe, so it starts biting to protect itself. Give more attention to the cat, surround it with caress and care.
  4. If your pet is lonely and bored, he is offended or not engaged in regular exercises and games, then he will begin to show aggression in order to attract your attention. Make sure that the cat always had enough toys , and so that he does not get bored.

When you figure out the reason for your pet's aggressive behavior, you can start weaning it from it. The most important thing is that you can not use rudeness, shouting and physical punishment. Experts believe that raising cats is not so difficult, it is important to show patience and perseverance. The animal must feel your love and affection, only then it will do as you wish. There are several ways how to wean a cat to bite.

  1. If your pet is still small, he is gnawing everything, including your hands, the reason may be a cutting teeth. Buy him different toys, chewing bones or balls. Often play with your pet and he will not have the desire to bite you.
  2. When the cat has bitten your hand, do not pull it away, it will provoke it on repeated bites, because it is a predator. On the contrary, press down his hand with his hand, you can tick your gums with your finger, cats do not like it.
  3. If the cat bit you during the game, you can strictly tell him "not" and stop the game. Go to another room and for a while, do not pay attention to the pet. When you repeat this several times, the cat will try not to cause your discontent during the game, because he likes to play.
  4. Another way to wean a cat to bite is to throw a large towel on the animal while he tries to bite you. He will not like this and after a few repetitions the cat will understand what his biting will lead to.
  5. You can splash some water into the cat's face when it bites you. In order for this to work, you need to arrange spraying throughout the house.
  6. If the cat bites all the time, prepare a loud-sounding rattle or tin can filled with coins. Animals are afraid of loud sounds. When the pet bites you, make a sharp sound with a jar. After a while, the cat will understand that the sounds that scare him are related to his behavior.

Never play with your pet with your hands and fingers and do not let your friends do it. Do not encourage the cat to bite, then it does not have to wean from it.