Why did the cat write, where it got?

The uncleanliness of furry pets is an important problem. Very quickly, the apartment is saturated with an unpleasant smell, greatly irritating the owners of a small beast. By the way, it is the propensity to cope with need past the tray that is often the main reason for the appearance of homeless animals, when the owners, the rules of war with the prankster, expose him to the street. It is clear that such behavior can not be called out by answering the ward, it is necessary to re-educate him. Here we learn not only why the cat began to write unexpectedly, wherever it is, but also give some advice on what to do to the upset owners of a stubborn animal.

The reasons that the cat is not used to the tray

  1. Sometimes an animal, oddly enough, does not suit the size and shape of the tray. First change the filler, and then, if its behavior does not change, the tray itself.
  2. The cleanliness of the tray also plays a strong role. If you can not stand it, then a clean cat will start looking for a more suitable secluded place.
  3. Some diseases cause the animal to correct the need unexpectedly, and it just does not have time to visit the tray. It is possible that if an adult cat began to write, wherever it is, it is a signal to go to a veterinary clinic.
  4. The appearance of a new pet your pet is able to perceive aggressively, with jealousy. Sometimes you switch to other problems, forgetting about the once-former pet. In such situations, pets often change their behavior, begin to show signs of attention to their person in a distorted form.
  5. Old cats no longer control bowel movements and only diapers or enhanced control will help.
  6. During the rut, reflexes wake up, and domestic animals begin to strenuously mark the territory.

How to wean a cat to write, anywhere?

To teach the animal to walk on the tray must be caressing and encouraging in the form of delicacies, except for gross cries or cruelty. If a place has become for him as a toilet favorite, then try to lubricate it with aromatic substances. Suitable medicine "Zvezdochka", decomposed cortex of citrus, special sprays (Antigadin). Liquids with a sharp smell (vinegar, ammonia) help, but sometimes give the opposite effect. It happens that the cat tends to smother the unpleasant odor with its feces. Detergents are temporary, you need to constantly repeat the procedure. Sometimes two pets do not want to categorically visit a common tray, they do not like the smell of an opponent. Have to spend money on a separate toilet . The reasons why a well-bred cat began to write, wherever horrible, a lot. But their clarification will help to cope with the problem faster.