Caries of milk teeth

Responsible parents take seriously the health of their beloved child, and the state of the mouth of the child, including. Moreover, recently the number of children with carious milk teeth has increased. Detect tooth decay on the teeth of a two-year-old child is no longer considered a rarity. But this disease is not so safe. Therefore, it is important to know how to detect dental caries, what to do if it is detected.

Caries of milk teeth: the causes of appearance

Caries is the disease of hard tooth tissues. Prerequisites for its occurrence may be some pathological problems in the mother during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. It can be:

The cause of caries development in an already born child can be artificial feeding, infectious diseases, blood diseases, lack of fluoride. After eruption in the baby's teeth, the appearance of caries is associated with non-compliance with oral hygiene, as well as improper eating behavior. Children's teeth are covered with weakly mineralized enamel, which makes them sufficiently vulnerable. So, for example, a child with constant falling asleep with a bottle nipple can experience caries of the front milk teeth due to frequent contact with the sweet liquid. To defeat teeth lead and frequent snacks between meals sweet foods (chocolate, sweets, cakes). The remains of carbohydrates after sweet become an excellent medium for the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, the lack of a habit of brushing your teeth twice a day also contributes to the appearance of tooth decay in children's teeth.

What does the caries of baby teeth look like?

Symptomatic of this disease of the teeth is divided depending on the degree of damage:

How to treat tooth decay of baby teeth?

The choice of method of treatment depends on the extent of the affected tooth. At an initial caries the method of enamel silvering is applied, on which a special solution is applied. In addition, rather popular is the method of fluorination, when a tooth containing fluoride ions is applied to the tooth enamel. Both these methods are just a temporary measure and will help to stop the spoilage of teeth.

At a superficial caries use mechanical methods of treatment of caries of milk teeth according to which by means of a drill is made filling by special materials (a composite or a compomer). Similar actions are performed with medium caries.

The treatment of tooth decay of milk teeth in the deep stage of the lesion, with complications, can be reduced to filling, with the restoration of the tooth shape or even to its removal.

Making a child open the mouth for dental treatment in the dental office is quite difficult. Therefore, measures should be taken to minimize the occurrence of caries of baby teeth in the child. Prevention is to visit the dentist once every six months, in training and keeping the mouth hygiene (brushing the teeth and rinsing the cavity with special compounds), prohibiting a large amount of sweet.