Fibromyoma of the breast

The mammary gland is a zone of increased attention in the body of every woman. After all, from its full functioning and health depends not only the opportunity to look attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, but also primarily to successfully nurture their offspring. However, unfortunately, due to many factors, the female breast is susceptible to various diseases, which can only be identified through medical examination. Often, such is the case with mammary fibromy.

Causes of Breast Fibromyoma

In medical practice, under the fibromyoma of the breast, it is usually meant a benign formation consisting of connective tissue. As a rule, it does not have the property to germinate into neighboring tissues, does not give secondary nodes and does not differ in intensive growth.

The most common cause of the occurrence of fibroid myoma is hormonal imbalance , which is accompanied by stress, irregular sexual life, problems in personal and family relationships. In addition, risk factors include:

Fibromyoma of the breast - signs and treatment

The insidiousness of this disease lies in the long absence of any clinical manifestations. More often than not, a woman learns about a breast mammary gland during a routine checkup or after finding a painless densification in case of self-examination. If the fibromy reaches a large size, then it can manifest itself as a painful sensation before menstruation.

With regard to the treatment of breast fibromioma, doctors are more likely to remove education through a small incision. In the conduct of surgical intervention, all chances remain in good time preserve the aesthetic appearance and functionality of the breast. Also conservative methods of treatment are possible, by which is meant the use of hormonal and non-hormonal drugs in order to regulate the patient's condition.

Fibromyoma of the breast, of course, is not a very dangerous disease, but it can cause a lot of anxiety, so every woman should take measures to avoid this problem. Namely: fully rest, eat properly, whenever possible avoid stressful situations, give up smoking and regularly undergo preventive examinations.