How to choose linoleum for the kitchen and the hallway?

Linoleum takes a leading place in the market of floor coverings. We will help answer the question of how to choose the right linoleum in the kitchen and the hallway. Read our recommendations and you will save a considerable amount of time when choosing linoleum in the store.

It is advisable to determine the color range at home in accordance with the design of your interior. If possible, look at the samples of linoleum in your room.

Odor and appearance

A sharp smell indicates a poor quality of the coating and that it contains harmful additives for humans. Quality linoleum does not smell, does not have greasy luster, the pattern is distinct and looks natural. The desired number of layers of linoleum for the kitchen and hallway - at least five, and a thickness of at least 3 mm.

Size and storage conditions

The linoleum of various widths is on sale and can easily be selected according to the size of your premises in order to avoid joints as much as possible. Linoleum should be stored in a heated room, so it is better to buy in specialized stores, and not in the market.

Safety and quality of the upper layer

Linoleum is tested and must be labeled and hygienic certificate. For the kitchen and the hallway is suitable for covering 23 and 24 classes, and even better 31 and 32. Look at the cover in a rolled out form. A smooth surface, evenly glued the top layer will indicate which linoleum to choose for the kitchen and hallway.

Purchase and transportation

If you have chosen the same linoleum for several rooms, buy it in one piece. In advance, calculate whether a long roll will pass through narrow ladders. It is not recommended to fold the canvas, as a break is formed and this can not be corrected in any way. Also, do not glue the adhesive tape on the front side, the traces of glue will be difficult to remove.

We are sure that the above recommendations will help you in deciding how to choose a quality linoleum for the kitchen and hallway.