Smart Beauty

The concept of "smart beauty" is itself capacious and concise, and generates such a modern phenomenon as "smart fashion", also called smart couture. The main criteria that distinguish this direction among others are the practicality and multifunctionality of each garment.

What is the style of Smart?

Style smart couture - a successful combination of fashion trends in casual, classical and business styles. It completely excludes entirely shiny things, and the colors "tear out your eyes." In the wardrobe of the smart-style admirer, you will not find frivolous dresses, outrageous clothes, and randomly acquired things, because such a woman tends to think rationally and is a vivid representative of an emancipated society.

It is erroneous to perceive the intellectual fashion direction, as completely excluding the opportunity to emphasize the figure and representing the formless things of muffled, nondescript shades. Many women make the same mistake, fearing not to be taken seriously, but in fact, nobody canceled the proverbial proverb "Meet on clothes - escorted by mind".

Most successfully show the style of smart young heroines of the film "The Devil Wears Prada", performed by Anne Hathaway and Emily Blunt. Girls are always with impeccable but faint make-up, well-groomed hair, with an uncomplicated hairstyle in skillfully selected clothes, but no one doubts their professionalism and intellectual savvy.

The strongest influence on smart couture was on the men's classic style of clothing, from which the women's fashion gained the most essential features, like determining independence, confidence and focus on solving the problem. Let us consider them in more detail.

Smart couture, as a unified fashion cell

The study of the gender characteristics of the German psychologist E. Clemens led to paradoxical conclusions. The same manner of behavior of men and women in the same situation was regarded first as a disadvantage in individuals of the weaker sex, while their behavior was assessed by men as the only true and correct one. The result of this study was not a surprise for women, because sex differences have always been the cornerstone of the universe and cause for controversy. Fashion, as a reflection of social life, was also involved in this endless debate. At the dawn of the twentieth century, the experiment of the famous Coco Chanel, which risked making the trousers a full component of the women's wardrobe, ended scandalously. As usual, the society took the innovation hostile, but by the beginning of the 1930s, world-class movie stars, including Marlene Dietrich, were increasingly appearing in trousers. And because at all times celebrities were the object of imitation, gradually women, getting rid of prejudices, introduced pants into everyday style.

Characteristic for the style of smart are the severity and simplicity of the lines. In addition to the trousers, they moved from the men's wardrobe to the intelligent wardrobe:

But, in order not to turn a smart-style into an androgynous look, it is important to pay attention to the primordially feminine details of clothing. First and foremost, it is, of course, comfortable shoes with heels or topical shoes with a hairpin on the hairpin. In addition, accessories play an important role. For the style of smart is characterized by a small amount of jewelry in a laconic design, preferably of precious metals. Also, quality belts, scarves and glasses are welcome. The latter, by the way, will suit the owners of excellent vision, since nowadays the models with transparent glasses in the original design are presented in wide sale.

So, the style of smart is focused on modern, confident women - residents of the megalopolis, leading an active lifestyle 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.