How many live parrots?

These unusual and beautiful birds always attracted people's attention. Bright coloring of plumage of parrots, their loud voice, ability to imitate human speech, cause delight not only at children, but also at many adults. Not surprisingly, they quickly became the most common poultry. When buying a parrot, sellers often deceive gullible people, calling the fantastic terms of their lives. But future owners are interested in real numbers, not myths. Let's look at how many parrots live on average, and what they most often die in captivity.

The main causes of premature death of parrots:

It is almost impossible to envisage all types of accidents, but you must know the basic mistakes that most beginner bird lovers allow. It is through the fault of the owners, and not from old age, that the parrot perishes most often from many owners. Here are some figures of the average and maximum lifespan of these birds, depending on the species of the bird.

How many years live wavy parrot?

In the Moscow zoo there was a case when their pet died at the age of 21st year. The doctor-ornithologist Chuguevsky VV cited the case and his practice when a wavy parrot felt good in 18 years. Many other sources say that the maximum life expectancy for this species is 20-25 years. But on average, they live to the age of 10 in a city apartment.

How many live the parrots of Corella?

International Zoo Yearbook reported that one parrot of this species could survive to 35 years of age. This is most likely a unique case, which will be repeated only by units from its relatives. For most common people, the cocks live on average between 15 and 25 years.

How many parrots live in love?

This genus of birds includes several species, and their average life expectancy may be slightly different. Foreign journals sometimes give conflicting data. The maximum age of the infernal Fisher is called just over 12 years. But the press mentions an unconfirmed case, when one parrot of this species survived to 32 years old. Specialists of the Moscow Zoo say that on average they do not live in captivity for more than 20 years.

How many macaw parrots live?

On average, they live in people about 30-50 years. Employees of zoos in Copenhagen, London and other cities give examples when their pets have lived to the advanced age for more than forty years. In 1998, the Kea parrot from the Antwerp Zoo was given a separate honorary cage, like the oldest one. He was brought here in 1950, and only after 48 years he began to show signs of old age.

How many live parrots are hot?

These birds have a high intelligence and love attention. On average, the life expectancy for these birds is 25 years, but many sources say that some of the parrots have survived wildly before the age of 50 years.

How many Amazons live?

If the enclosure is spacious, then they feel good, and they can live long enough. In small cells, they are prone to obesity, which adversely affects the health of birds, here they rarely live to the age of 20 years. The average life expectancy for parrots of this species in good conditions is 50 years, the maximum - 70 years.

How many cockatoo parrots live?

The most famous long-liver of this species is the Molukian cockatoo King Tut from San Diego. He got there already an adult and was able to live in captivity for 65 years. On average, these birds live about 30-40 years.

With proper care, you can get your feathered pet to rejoice its owners for a long time, even in a city apartment. Here they can exist even more than in natural conditions, where they have many natural enemies. Most species of parrots live fine in captivity, for many years, pleasing their masters.