How to remove yellow stains from sweat?

Each housewife periodically encounters this problem - how to remove yellow stains from sweat. Usually such spots are visible under the armpits or on the back. Particularly noticeable are spots on silk fabrics. And, each person sweats in different ways. Someone has to wash clothes more often than usual. It is best to wash the stains as soon as they have appeared: then it will be easier to remove them. If all the same spots are present on the clothes, then they need to be displayed correctly and carefully, following the instructions.

How to remove stains from sweat on clothing?

Fresh stains from clothes are best displayed with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, you just need to soak the cloth and put the peroxide on the stain after ten minutes. Wait a few seconds and continue to wash the fabric as usual. Sweat stains are removed from the clothing and using aspirin powdered and applied to the fabric for several hours.

How to remove sweat stains from white clothes?

Yellow spots on the white fabric should be washed in time and right after you came home, otherwise it will be difficult to withdraw. It is better to wash the fabric with laundry soap and then wash it in a washing machine . The way of washing clothes and the temperature regime should be chosen according to the type of fabric.

How to clean up old spots of sweat?

Old stains can be removed from clothing using gasoline and ammonia. Moisten a tissue napkin in a solution of ammonia, and then apply on it gasoline and treat it with a stain. If spots of sweat are present on linen or cotton cloth, remove them with the help of sodium chloride and ammonia. To do this, mix salt with ammonia and soak the cloth in this solution for two hours, and then wash clothes in slightly warm water. Then wash the fabric in the washing machine in the manual washing mode with the addition of powder.