Pregnancy a year after cesarean

Childbirth is a natural process. However, there are situations when delivery is performed with the help of caesarean section. What if the baby was born in a non-traditional way, and my mother would like to get pregnant again? Is pregnancy and childbirth possible after cesarean delivery ?

2 pregnancy after cesarean - we plan

If the child was born with the help of surgery, the next pregnancy after cesarean section is possible not earlier than in 2 years. This is due to the fact that the scar on the uterus must be fully formed. If a repeat pregnancy occurred one year after cesarean (or even earlier), when the muscular tissue has not yet healed, the woman may be threatened with a rupture of the uterus along the rumen - a situation extremely dangerous for the life of the future mother and child.

Pregnancy planning after cesarean should start with examination of the scar on the uterus, not earlier than 6-12 months after the operation. The doctor will assess the condition of the scar using hysterography (x-rays in two projections) and hysteroscopy (examination with an endoscope that is inserted into the uterine cavity). Permission for 2 pregnancies after cesarean can be obtained only if the scar is almost invisible and formed from muscle tissue. The situation is slightly worse when the scar tissue consists of mixed fibers. If the connective tissue prevails, the scar is recognized as insolvent, which means that a repeated pregnancy for a woman is contraindicated.

Natural birth after cesarean - everything is possible

As a rule, the pregnancy of a woman who underwent a cesarean section is no different from the usual one. However, at every reception the gynecologist will examine the scar on the uterus. A future mother can even give birth naturally. However, it should be decided by the observing physician, as well as obstetrician-gynecologist of the maternity home, if the following conditions are met:

If the pregnancy occurred less than a year after cesarean, you will not be given birth independently. Pregnancy after the second caesarean, most likely, too will end with operation. As a rule, doctors allow no more than three surgical deliveries, as each surgical intervention is more difficult to transfer than the previous one.