How to sew a house with a siding?

The paneling of the facade with vinyl panels is one of the most accessible and practical methods for decorating a house. It will be relatively difficult to do this yourself, as here you will have to learn how to work not only with tools, but also be able to properly fix the panels on the wall of the house. Usually they try to decorate the outside of the wooden house after the insulation layer, since the siding is quite light and will not load the frame of the house, and it's quite possible to do it yourself.

How to properly sew the house with a siding?

In this master class we will consider a wooden house with siding outside, and try to sew, or rather, replace it, with your own hands. Consider a small piece of the wall, where the window required replacement, and therefore part of the siding has to be dismantled and replaced.

  1. Before you decorate the house, you will have to look for such a tool under the siding with the name zip tul, then you can easily make a replacement yourself if you know how to work with your hands. It will be needed for mounting and dismounting vinyl. This is almost the only specific tool, but buying it will not be a problem.
  2. It is needed to remove the panel behind the panel of the old plating. It will unlock the joints if you bring it under the hook and push it down a bit. After that, you move the lamellae horizontally and remove it.
  3. The photo below shows in more detail how zip works.
  4. Then pull out the old mount to get a place for the installation of a new one.
  5. It is important to pre-use a waterproof film to prevent moisture from entering.
  6. It's time to properly prepare the house in the window area, as this area is impossible to sew with a siding without preparation even by the hands of a master, in own strength even more so. Under the window we fix the bar made of metal, raising it slightly under the frame base. Aluminum plates work best with vinyl. It is important that the plate at the bottom overlaps the siding fastener, then the water will leave and not accumulate.
  7. In the same way, you should make a window from the sides. Make sure that the side bar overlaps with the bottom.
  8. Similarly, do the training in the upper part of the window. Notice how the photo shows the location of the aluminum plate in relation to the waterproof film.
  9. Next we need this J-profile. It is needed to frame the frame and additional water drainage. From this profile, we make something like a frame around the perimeter of the entire window. Cut the strips of the desired length at an angle of 45 ° and frame the window. At the ends, the lower part of the profile is bent so that the parts enter one into one and do not collect water.
  10. We measure the desired length and height of the fixation of the siding lamellae. First we insert one end, we stretch the lamella a little, then we insert the second end. Then you literally plant the lamellae on the fasteners.
  11. Cut off the excess and fix the lamellae under the window. In the lateral part it is necessary to cut off the edge not quite evenly: the upper part with perforation under the fasteners is left somewhat longer. The photo shows how this part will look.
  12. Pay attention to the moment with the installation. You can not attach the lamellas too tightly when you screw in the fasteners, there must be a gap between the two and the wall between the two thicknesses of the siding. The fact is that vinyl has a habit of shrinking and expanding under the influence of temperature and sunlight.
  13. The upper lamella is set in the same way, and the lock will be snapped on by the already familiar zip tul. You seem to overlap the top detail of the bottom.
  14. As you can see, it is not so difficult to sew a house if you understand the principle of securing the siding and acquire the necessary tool for working with your hands, and it's quite possible to do it yourself.