National costume of Russia

The brightest and most original element of any culture can be called, without exaggeration, a folk costume. By its cut, features of furnish it is possible to judge about way of life, traditions, historical and social processes of the past centuries. And such a breadth of images and colorful folk costumes, like in Russia, probably do not have any country in the world.

History of the national costume of Russia

The folk costume, female in particular, did not have a single fixed form for all residents of Russia. Even within different provinces, the composition and cut of the costume, color and fabric were different. In the northern and central regions, women, mainly, wore sarafans , and in the southern regions - ponevu. Considering these two historically developed types of clothes, you can make a somewhat generalized description of the female folk costume of Russia. So sarafan came to Russia from Persia (in translation from Persian - honorable clothes) and for the first time he was dressed by the wife of Ivan the Terrible, the queen Sophia. Later he (sarafan) fell in love with the common people. The dress could be on a coquette, straight or angular. Under it they put on a shirt from the bleached canvas. In the summer, a sarafan could wear another wide, small sarafan - summer or short, epanechka. In cool weather, they were showered. Required was a headdress - kokoshnik , kichka, magpie and others. Girls could wear a simple ribbon or bandage. The folk costume of the south of Russia is represented by a more ancient type of clothing - a ponevoy - a swinging skirt of three, sometimes five, uncoated cloths, which was held on a special braid - a nut. As a rule, it was sewed from half-wool fabric into a cage and was richly decorated with braid, ribbons, embroidery, buttons. By the cells and the color of the cloth, it was possible to determine not only the province or the county, but even the village in which the woman lived. And also her status - married or widowed, on what occasion this clothes are worn. Ponev was put on a shirt with embroidered sleeves and hem.

An indispensable attribute of clothes was an apron, which was also decorated differently, especially festive. Embellished, printed or woven patterns and ornaments were used as decorations. They carried a certain symbolism: the circle - the sun, the square - the sown field, and so on. Ornaments in the national costume of Russia served as a kind of talisman against evil forces and were embroidered where clothes ended and touched an open body - on the collar, cuffs and hem. The patterns in the folk costume of Russia were made with woolen, linen, silk threads that were painted with natural dyes in blue, black, less often brown, green and yellow. White color was achieved by bleaching. But the predominant color in the national costume of Russian women was red - the color of fire and sun. It was believed that this color frightens away the dark forces. Particular attention was paid to ornaments - rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings. They also served as a certain type of amulet, a talisman from evil spirits and evil eyes.

Folk costumes of the peoples of Russia

Russia is a huge state. In addition to the largest Russian nation, other more or less numerous peoples lived on its territory. And each of them had his own suit with original patterns, sewing techniques. The climate and the peculiarities of the life of certain regions also left their imprint. So the peoples of Siberia, engaged mainly in reindeer herding, hunting, fishing, used the skins of animals - elk, deer, seal, for making clothes. Clothes, as a rule, were sewn in the form of overalls or a long fur shirt with a hood and was designed to protect from the cold as much as possible. But in the North Caucasus and the Don, women wore kubelkas dresses and pants of the Turkish type.

Folk costume is a huge layer of culture of any people, which should be respected and preserved.