How to bake bread in a breadmaker?

In case you do not like to bother with the test, but give preference to a home product, it makes sense to invest in a bread maker. This compact device not only bakes bread for you on the basis of any flour, but also kneads dough. Details on how to bake bread in the bread maker in the recipes below.

Delicious French bread in a bread maker - recipe

No, the French bread is not a baguette , as you might think, but a special mode on some models of the device, which allows you to get bread with a delicate, fine-pitted crumb and a slightly roasted crust.



At the bottom of the bowl, pour in the flour and mix it with the rest of the dry ingredients in the form of yeast and salt with sugar. Once the ingredients are in the bowl, pour in the milk. Then there are just a couple of trifling moments: turn on the device, select "French bread" and press "Start". After the signal, almost a half-kilogram loaf of fresh bread will be displayed on your table.

Baking bread in a bread maker - recipe

Preparation of bread with the help of a simple kitchen assistant is a process though simple, but quite costly in time. For those who want to shorten the baking time, the creators came up with a simple mode called "Bread fast baking."



The first to enter the bowl are liquids: milk, oil and water. After them, put a little sugar, add a pinch of salt, and in the last turn - flour and yeast. Select the option "Quick baking" and leave everything waiting for the beep.

If you want, you can repeat this recipe by making bread from whole-grain flour in a bread maker, or by mixing whole-grain flour with ordinary peeled wheat flour.

The recipe for making unleavened bread in a bread maker



First of all, mix all the dry ingredients in the bowl. Pour to them all the desired supplements, and at the very least pour in kefir. Kefir is added last so that the reaction with soda and baking powder is not in advance. After kneading the bread is left to bake for 1 hour 10 minutes. Ready bread completely cooled before cutting.